[center][color=c4df9b][h3]Maritza Verenna[/h3][/color][/center] Throughout the melee, the naga had spared the occasional glance over her shoulder to keep tabs on the action behind her. When Sir Haelstadt had his head lopped clean off, Maritza tensed briefly, the Knight Serpenta clearly noting Lady Cal's words as she filed the information away for future use. Having returned her attention to the still seemingly empty woods behind them, it was not until after the Boar's commander had called for a retreat that the naga finally let up on her vigilance of their back. With a twist of her human body, Naritza looked down at the young noblewoman still loosely wrapped in her scales. [color=c4df9b]"As long as you're alive, Haelstadt won't fall. Those were your words, yes Lady Cal?"[/color] There was something oddly detached about the naga's tone; a cold, predatory attitude, as if preparing for the kill. [color=c4df9b]"I do believe you owe us an explanation in full for all this, now."[/color] The Knight Serpenta added in the same too-calm voice as her coils tightened around the childish noble with gentle firmness. For Lady Cal, the naga loomed above her, the demi-human's helmeted face and not entirely human body language offering little in readability.