Hi there! I'm Blazey, weirdo, or Cilly if you prefer. I've been away for a few month now due to moving and life's stressful stuff. But I'm here and ready to get back into writing stories! I have a few general ideas and I'm open to many others. I at least write a few lines and will be trying to get on at least once a day. I'm very relaxed and understanding about things. Though I would like to keep a chat open for us to discuss things besides the RP. I also have discord and chat on there relatively regularly. I love omegaverse and have quite few ideas for it (details of au can be discussed later) but I can shift things around to be different. I do rps of MxM MxF FxF and really anything. I enjoy fantasy and supernatural (not the show) style. [b]Fandoms-[/b] Jojo bizarre adventures (really craving Jotaro X Kakyoin) NO. 6 hetalia seven deadly sins my hero academia demon slayer pokemon love pistols marvel she-ra yuri on ice how to train your dragon dragon maid (more that i cant think of, feel free to ask) I'll be adding more ideas here over the next couple of days so bare with me [b]Mage X Guard-(mxm) [/b]This story I have set up with omegaverse but I can change it around. In general this story would be about the princess' guard and mage. The mage (omega)(Mc) grew up with the princess, his mother being a maid in the castle. He is also a rare shifter but keeps it secret. One day on a return trip with the princess they are attacked and while fighting he tests out a teleportation spell, to knock their enemies into an unknown spot. Just then he is knocked into the princess' guard(YC) and they both fall into the portal as well. Ending up further away from home and injured. Due to the mage's uncertainty of the spell they must make the long journey home and grow closer as they do. But what will happen once they make it there? [b] Which X Doctor (any)-[/b] this idea is more vague but what I would like to do is either in an au that is semi-modern or fantasy land where magic is rare and forgotten. Possibly during a plague where a witch and a doctor look at each other to figure out how they are helping people and learn to combine science and magic for better, or worse [b]Creature(shifter or not) X human (any)-[/b] again very vague but would love to bounce around ideas. Option a- A human meets a creature hurt in the woods and helps it as a child. Secretly the creature follows them around as they grow into some career of courage. It's then that they show themselves and work towards getting closer to them. Option b- there is a small country where a magical forest lays. Beyond that is a beast that wants nothing more than to spread it's land. So to appease it the people offer up sacrifices in order to keep it at bay. One time it is a human(or hybrid) once they are sent into the forest is discovered that the creature is rather harmless, creating an oasis for the animals and creatures that have been "sacrificed" to it. They become close, until one day the royals have enough of the forest and set it ablaze, wanting the treasure of what lies within, which is the creature itself. The human and creature but go on the run to keep themselves safe [b]Yakuza/mafia heir X guard-[/b] simple premise, open to plot changes and ideas with this one. plots with this one depend on what AU is added or not If you are interested feel free to send me a pm