[@TheWendil] Okay, sorry, this is bugging me a bit. I seem to have found slightly contradictory statements in GM posts, so I'm wondering exactly how long it's been since the Pageless fight. The intro posts for the Academy indicates that the girls were up before the sun, and the sun is rising on the Academy. However, the latest plot post has this segment: [hider=Segment] The day came and went with the initial introductions out the way. The new girls were shown their dorms and class schedules, spending a night with their roommates and getting adjusted to the way things were in Marrywell. Whatever antics they got into were their own stories to tell as all was driven by the will of the Grand Minister. By the next day, all the Magical Girls involved in the last night’s incident were gathered for their first assignment and not of the scholarly kind. [/hider] Is it still the same day Nessie arrived, or is it the day after? This seems to imply it's the latter, aside from the "last night" bit. The wording right at the end there just tripped me up, so I wanted to be sure.