Haelstadt seemed to express a moment of confusion at the offered head before taking it out of Martin's hands and putting it back where it should be. Seemingly, without any other intervention required, it was being healed to remain firmly attached once again, with one hand only staying there briefly to steady the process. Veileena, unfortunately, was being particularly uncooperative despite the seeming danger she was in, the girl's expression stormy. "Are you [i]threatening[/i] me? Hmph. Then I won't answer your questions or any others." [i]That[/i] got a response out of the armoured knight, immediately turning without so much as a word to Martin and starting towards the pair... [h2]Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] ... now what? Maybe there was a survivor here that they could interrogate? There had to be [i]some[/i] reason for a group of hired mercenaries to be ambushing them here. Preferably an answer that would make the inconvenience and pain of being impaled worth it; although, all things considered, that had gone remarkably well on the knights' side. But questions of "what should we do next" or "maybe we should split up and look around were arrested by the more pressing concern of what was, ostensibly, an unkillable bodyguard seemingly in the process of about to get right to that. Moving fast, Tyaethe dropped her sword and [i]attempted[/i] to restrain Haelstadt... although, as fast as she was able to close the gap, this was proving to be difficult. Of course, she didn't want to push it and she wasn't that strong, but even basically just wrapping around Haelstadt from behind... how strong [i]was[/i] this knight? Haelstadt was still making forward progress. Just slower. "Maritza, maybe let the noble girl go?" Tyaethe sounded rather irritated. Perhaps it was the diplomatic incident this would be. [@FlappyTheSpybot][@A Lowly Wretch]