[hider=Gringor of the Ironhide tribe] [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, lanky, slightly tan and a toned body akin to steel, Gringor stands proudly and wears little to no clothes aside from the ones on his arms, pants, and legs. His white hair concealed his ears and at the bottom has a long boar-like tail. [hider=Best I can find] [img]https://i.imgur.com/aIa1FSC.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Gringor of the Ironhide tribe [b]Race:[/b] High Orc Male [b]Magic/Abilities/Equipment: [/b] [i]Champion:[/i] Even amongst high orcs, competition is fierce to prove themselves the strongest and fiercest for the coveted title. Gringor however, won his title when he was still young and has held that title since then. An exceptional prodigy by high orcs standards, and an elite capable of standing toe to toe with those in the demon lord army. [i]Demon Realm Silver Double-handed Axe:[/i] As befitting of a Champion, Gringor has been bestowed a large double-handed axe. Made of Demon Realm Silver, it'll cut without harming the recipient and instead drain them of spirit energy. [i]Pheromones:[/i] Typical of most High Orcs, Gringor's own pheromones can affect allies with a strong sense of smell. Capable of sending them into a frenzy of lust and battle. [b]Personality:[/b] Smiling, grinning and being absolutely aggressive. Gringor is a near wild beast that lives by his passion, takes what he wants, and fight who he deems worthy. While not the most tactical of fighters, he is dedicated to fighting and improving himself, if only to become the best in the world. Regardless of who, when or where, if someone or Gringor wants a fight, there's little that can stop him from having said fight. This is both his greatest strength and largest weakness, since many traps been set for him, it's only his doggedness and unrelenting ferocity has he escaped many times from such strategies. [b]Background:[/b] Gringor hailed not from the western side but central, where the boundaries of the large mainland of the misty continent laid, followed by miles of open plains, then high lofty mountains and open dessert. This was where Gringor was born and raised. Fights was constant among the mamono travelling here. Some looking for challenges and others merely to pass through to ply their trade. Gringor tribe, the Ironhide, controls one the few routes to these so-called lands. Even from young Gringor status as a male and a high orc meant he was highly sought after. What they didn't count on was that Gringor is one of the most aggressive and strongest of his kind. Defeating plenty of suitors, raiders, and even bounty-hunter sent after him in order to study his miraculous gender. It didn't take long for him to become champion of his tribe, enabling him some form of control as he took the role of leader. Yet, it was tedious and boring. Fighting the same old thing had gotten him in a slump and nearly made him lose his mind, this was further compounded that he had duties with his tribe and tied to it. So deciding for once, he pointed his vice-leader to take lead, and proceed to head further east for a fight alone. It took a long while but when he reached the far east, the prospect of fighting against Varjo excited him. So much so he was ready to charge alone. It was only stopped and halted due to Kyoko contacting him early, after a brief scuffle between an oni and him turned the bar upside down, he was recruited as an extra muscle. He'll also provide a very good distraction while others are able to do the actual work. Something Gringor had no qualms with, so long he got his fights. He was happy. [Favourite monster girl: Ogres/Oni/Minotaurs] [/hider] I will post once the second char is accepted.