[quote=@James Davy] On hearing the news, Donald put down his keytar, pulled out his phone and opened an app. "V-v-v-v-voice interface…" Porygon-Z notified, ready to receive instructions. "Porygon-Z, deploy Cyber-Greninja to Teams Aqua and Magma and execute Code: Round House," Donald instructed. "E-e-e-e-executing…" Porygon-Z confirmed. The artificial Pokémon sent spyware through various darknets to all devices used by Teams Aqua and Magma to monitor their communications and operations before putting tracers on the phones of the Lightfoots and their entourage. "Everyone, I advise you to turn off your phones," Donald warned, "I put tracers on them monitoring any communications in and out of them in case they're tracking us through them including location data. I also deployed spyware to their devices so we'll know their every move." [/quote] Jeremy realized what Donald was getting at and nodded. He knew that something was up. He knew something was coming. Not sure as to how it would play out... But Jeremy could tell that when Donald spoke in technical terms and was becoming technical... it usually would be leading to a very specific purpose. Jeremy: *Texting his Entourage* Till further notice and until we know the magnitude of the situation that is coming more and more alive and unfolding more as it develops... all transmissions and messages are to be by messenger and telegrams. A few seconds later... Jeremy: I sent a fast message to the members of the Passion Kiss Entourage. Instructing them to send all future messages via Telegrams... Hand delivered till further notice. Reducing the need for transmitting via phones and radio and such. Sandy: That's a good idea. A Smart idea and then some... Saphiroth: Will we be able to locate where Team Aqua's holding Lisa and Nicole? Darlene: Time will tell. Time will tell. Sgt. Lerner: I got My Houndoom. He'll get to where they could be held and try to untie them if they do happen to be tied up. Jeremy: *Nods* Good work. Get on it. All the while rehearsals kept on going... Although... It was only a day later before the last bits of rehearsing were to be constructed... But there was little to no telling whether a rescue would be performed... and soon.