[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PRibzDC.jpg[/img][/center] [color=1BF285]Time: Morning Location: Aboard The Harem Interactions: Tigerlily [@Potter], Tesoro[@Infinite Cosmos], Lizzie [@Tae], Barboda [@Alivefalling], Helio [@princess], and a rival ship and her crew [@FunnyGuy] Equipment: A cutlass, 2 knives and a dagger strategically hidden, a spyglass, a wayfinder, pouch of amas, various jewelry. [/color] [hr] [color=C1E9EC]The sea began to grow agitated, Nym could feel it in the rocking of the ship, although the clouds had spoken of no storm on the horizon. The sea wanted violence, and she was the only god he bowed to, and her request would have to be honored. If Ardyn was lying in wait somewhere with another ship, as Lizzie expected, getting rid of this first ship seemed the best way to even the playing field. It was Barboda who first answered the call for violence, shooting the fairy from the sky, and filling the briny air with a hint of metallic blood. His nostrils flared taking in the scent, feeling the charge of excitement rush through him. The bit of magic his heritage granted him hardened his skin, no longer smooth but sandpaper course and tough enough to withstand a blade. He didn’t wait to hear the end of Lizzie and Tigerlily’s conversation. As Tesoro ran off with a stolen dagger to wait for the enemy to board the ship, Nym took off towards the storage area for the powder and a firestarter. Upon his return, Nym caught sight of Helio who sprang up from the crow’s nest and shot an orb of dark energy at the enemy ship. Funny, he’d always thought that was a strictly dark elf sort of ability. [color=1BF285]And every second the fairy prince gets a little more interesting.[/color] He thought before he returned his focus to his own task of loading a cannon with grapeshot and preparing to fire it. He would wait for the right moment, when the rest of the enemy would emerge from the belly of their own ship, to ensure as much damage as possible. He had no guns, no crossbow, and no magic orbs to fire, so until the enemy boarded a cannon was his best bet. [/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kmr93Nj.jpg[/img][/center] [color=CA6F1E]Time: Morning Location: Myriamor-Bed and Breakfast Interactions: Slick[@FunnyGuy], Aurora[@Mole], Sophie[@princess], Caelen[@Alivefalling], Equipment: The clothes on his back and a pouch of amas.[/color] [hr] [color=E0B061]Leaf followed along with the group, eyes kept watchful for any sign of danger, believing this entire day was going to be a very long job interview with Slick, bounty hunter extortionate. And it was important to watch for danger as this group was made up of traveling companions that were friends with not just one, but two princesses. There was Sophie, owner of the pet pixie, who was an alleged excellent cook and sweet on Slick. Caelen, who did in fact smell a bit like zemak, which meant the pixie’s information was probably accurate. So he kept a healthy distance from Aurora, who Alette had claimed had contagious blindness and Leaf didn’t want to catch any strange elf illnesses. He had, begrudgingly, admitted to Slick that not only had the pixie offered up much more information than he’d been able to gather, but what she said had checked out with the bits he’d overheard. So, even though he was a bit annoyed to be outdone by a pixie it was hard to hold any sort of grudge against Alette, especially after she flew off and returned with a fella offering drinks. [color=CA6F1E]“Absolutely!”[/color] Leaf said to the man offering the colorful drinks. He didn’t think twice about enjoying the drink while technically working as Slick didn’t seem like the uptight sort. [color=CA6F1E]“A must-try during your visit here, if you want the full Myraimor experience.”[/color] He added before thanking the man with the drinks. Caelan mentioned playing games, which was entirely agreeable, and then swimming which sounded terrible. He’d already had his unfortunate tumble into a fountain earlier that day and he did not want to repeat the experience. [color=CA6F1E]“Seeing as how I am not a catfish I’ll have to pass. But the oasis here is the finest water in all of Avalia.”[/color] Leaf said with his signature toothy grin. He found playing tour guide much more enjoyable than looking for orcs. [/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SS9Gk9X.jpg[/img][/center] [color=1BC617]Time: Morning Location: Roshmi City Interactions: Yuka [@princess], Aiko [@CitrusArms], Xavier[@Potter] Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch with 117 amas[/color] [hr] [color=B7E3B6][color=1BC617]“Excellent. I’m ready to go.”[/color] Orias said, a bit surprised that they’d all come to a unanimous agreement so easily. He had no interest in lingering in Roshmi any longer than they had to; it would only make leaving harder and nothing he owned was worth risking a confrontation with dark elves. He would leave with what he carried with him, from the brief conversation Yuka had with a random man at the bar it sounded like dark elves were already making it hard to leave the city. [color=1BC617]“A round of shots for the road.”[/color] He said, flagging down the bartender and gesturing to the group. Once they were poured he held up the small shot glass of liquid courage. [color=1BC617]“Here’s to Roshmi, and to us.”[/color] He said before downing the shot and hopping off the barstool. [color=1BC617]“So what’s the plan Yuka? Got some potions that grant flight? A stash of hoverboards perhaps? Or, did you really snatch us up a dragon after all?”[/color] He asked, curious as to how she planned to get a group of four non-flying folks up to Avian City. At least, he had assumed none of them could fly, then again Aiko had the surprising ability to shapeshift. [color=1BC617]“Unless you can grow wings as well?”[/color] He added glancing at the shapeshifting fox. [/color]