Berrin more perceptive than he'd let on didn't miss the way Zelana bristled slightly, stifling a guffaw into his fist the farmer did his best to let the topic be for now with a shrug of his shoulders. Gray looked between the two rolling his eyes slightly at the farmers attempt to hide his amusement, what it was the mercenary couldn't have cared less [color=808080]"I'll take point,"[/color] Gray turned slightly taking a few steps before pausing to look back to Zelana and Berrin, placing the pipe back in his mouth [color=808080]"Zelana, bring up the rear."[/color] he gave her and Berrin a curt nod as if to dismiss them, the farmer looked to the blacksmith for a moment before grabbing the reigns [color=a2d39c]"Ya heard em eh? Go on git, let's get moving mam'"[/color] with that he whipped at the reigns goading the mule forward.