[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220120/39ad52ee6dbb97d2aa971d3a64bbe0ef.png[/img][/center] The Eevee adventuring team was a go! Sora's tail started to wag, just the smallest amount, as Lumi whispered back to him. Exploring some dark, spooky cave, keeping to the shadows, and maybe seeing some crazy cool stones with his sister. What could be better? They just had to make sure that no one else heard about it, there was no way that Sable would allow it, and Cane would just go blabbing about it to everyone in the house. No, this had to be a secret just for the two of them. He nodded subtly in agreement with his sister, [color=a0410d][b]"And we're so much smaller than the team that the crazy Pokémon in there probably won't even see us."[/b][/color] This was gonna be so cool! As Sable turned back towards them he met Lumi's eyes and saw the warning in them. No way he would spill what they were planning, [color=a0410d][b]"It's a secret"[/b][/color] he told her; meeting his sister's eyes and then looking at Cane hoping she fell for the bluff that they were talking about a way to cheer up Cane. If they found something cool in the cave it also wouldn't be a lie. Hopefully. [hr] They'd picked a night when their dad had work early the next morning, so he would go to bed early and leave them with free reign to escape out the windows in their room to meet up at the front of the house. Hopefully they would be there and back before anyone noticed they were gone. Sora could only imagine the trouble that they would get into if Sable saw them. Still his excitement at doing something so daring overrode the voice in his head that screamed this was a bad idea. He waited until Cane and Storm had both settled down into their nests and their breathing evened out before he stood carefully and crept over to the window. He had unlocked it earlier in the day to avoid the noise. He took a deep, quiet breath and... [b]"What're you doing Sora?"[/b] Cane's faux whisper called out to him. [color=a0410d][i]Dammit[/i][/color] He pulled his paws off the windowsill and turned back to face his brother who was staring at him from his nest. [color=a0410d][b]"Um, I was just gonna go out for a nighttime walk, less crowded you know."[/b][/color] [b]"Oh! Can I come?"[/b] The attempt at a whisper died and Sora flinched at the loudness of Cane's voice; looking over quickly to see Storm lift his head with blurry eyes and an annoyed expression. This was not going as he had hoped. Why did Cane have to be such a light sleeper? He sighed, Lumi was going to kill him, but there was no way he would be able to get out of the house without Cane or Storm going and telling Sable he was sneaking out, or worse telling their dad. [color=a0410d][b]"Fine, fine you can come, but you have to promise to be quiet, quieter than you've ever been, and listen to everything that I say without questioning me ok."[/b][/color] Cane nodded vigorously and made a show of snapping his mouth shut. He looked over at Storm to see his brother still watching him through narrowed eyes. [b]"If you're planning on doing something stupid, don't."[/b] Sora rolled his eyes in response, [color=a0410d][b]"Well if you want to stop us from doing something stupid you should just come along too."[/b][/color] He knew Storm would go and wake up Sable and he was desperate to keep that from happening. He watched Storm grumble a bit before pushing himself to his feet and walking over to join them. He was honestly surprised it took so little convincing, but he wasn't going to complain. Lumi was probably already waiting for him and they needed to go, time was ticking. He helped push Cane out and then followed after Storm. The three brothers crept around the side of the house towards the meeting point that he and Lumi had decided on to make their way to Ember Cave.