[center][color=orchid][h2]Aiko Yume[/h2][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/U1kgmC3.png[/img] [color=orchid][b]Time:[/b][/color] Morning [b][color=orchid]Location:[/color][/b] Leaky Tap and Tavern [b][color=orchid]Interactions:[/color][/b] Yuka [@princess], Orias [@Helo], Xavier [@Omni5876][/center] It was early, but Yuka's antics were refreshing. Or perhaps it was her ambiance. Whatever the case, Aiko was appreciative of her presence. The past couple of days had them in a funk without them really realizing, but they were starting to feel a little better. "[color=orchid]Yes, I don't suppose I'll be back for a while. Hmm.. no, I don't need anything.[/color]" Aiko picked up a napkin from a table and approached Yuka, taking her hand a wiping it for her. "[color=orchid]No, I don't sprout wings, sorry.[/color]" A careful half-truth. Their shape shifting was, in fact, limited. He leaned back on the bar, "[color=orchid]hey, boss. You can pack my things up, if you need the room. I'm going to get out of the city for a while.[/color]" There wasn't anything important to grab, and nothing embarrassing for the man to have to touch. Mostly just some clothes. He left the napkin on the counter. "[color=orchid]I suppose they probably leave it alone because it's a pain to get to. Wouldn't you?[/color]" Ah, but if they kept talking, they'd never go anywhere. "[color=orchid]Since we're all in agreement, let's go.[/color]" The fox moved to the door, peeking out for anything strange before waiting to open it for his companions. On to a place with, hopefully, a better pick of dreams to sup from.