[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/J7muxVd.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/iGBTDbf.png[/img][/center] [color=625A8A]Time:[/color]Morning [color=625A8A]Location:[/color]Aldrakh [color=625A8A]Interactions:[/color][@Alivefalling] Alaia [@FunnyGuy] Vrexen/Astra [@13org] Myra [color=625A8A]Equipment:[/color] Crossbow, [url=i.imgur.com/DkIDGL5.png] outfit [/url], Backpack with hygienic supplies, two daggers, flask, skinning knife, trapping wire, rope, small cooking pot, transmission bracelet, water purifier [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XUi6erS.png[/img][/center] Maeryn met the eyes of the red being as he spoke. He had heard rumors of the Sevens Sins being summoned but he had not been certain it would be followed through on. This news was bittersweet as power of that magnitude could aid in vanquishing the humans, but could also be dangerous if aimed towards their people. Could they trust their beings? There wasn't much history for reference, but with a threat like this, at least in Maeryn's opinion, this risk was potentially worth it. His eyes slid to the dark elf now as she spoke and exhaled gently before replying. His expression remained unchanged. [color=625A8A]"You are correct. I am not a soldier. I am simply a hunter who wishes to hunt before he is hunted."[/color] He began to carefully decide on his next sentence, only to be interrupted by the sound of his daughter. He watched in apprehension as she went to pet the demon. Maeryn wished she'd listen to him for once, but knew the sweet girl was innocent and naive. It could not be helped. He gave Alaia a stern look, warning her with his gaze to halt her current activity. [color=625A8A]"My apologies. Fairies are of the affectionate sort. She will not touch you again."[/color] Hoping to get something out of this before things potentially escalated up the wrong path, Maeryn quickly continued speaking, [color=625A8A]"I am here to gather information regarding the location of humans. If you have information that could perhaps aid in my task or a similar objective, I would be grateful to hear what you are willing to share."[/color]