[Color=beige] [Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YgTOnqC.jpg[/img][/center] [Color=tan]Time:[/color] Morning [Color=tan]Location:[/color] Myriamor Plaza- Summer Harvest Festival [Color=tan]Interactions:[/color] Leaf [@Helo], Sophie [@princess], Aurora [@Mole], Caelan [@Alivefalling], [Color=tan]Mentions:[/color] Alette [@princess] [Hider=Equipment:] Pocket watch Black stetson [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/21f1e1e3d737953a7eb5c90eaed2eb5a/09205ac0ff7c20ac-38/s1280x1920/4c19d54eed512d8aa48cc7ebcd6bab9b6ea3ccca.jpg]Hat and Cowl[/url] [url=https://imgur.com/2ip8Ivk]Black Duster Outfit[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6b/ff/91/6bff91839f0ab36a720ef727d55848b3.jpg]Repeating Crossbow[/url] 12 Iron Bolts [url=https://i.imgur.com/e5xhRnc.jpg]Champ[/url] (Oak Horse) One-horse open sleigh Hunting knife Rope Saddlebag Black neckerchief Tinder box Canteen Matches Two Gold nuggets $40 [/hider][hr] To the rear of the group Slick strolled along comfortably, guiding Champ by the reins through the outdoor market area that was hosting a festival. Slick could admit that the scenery was quite nice with its display of vibrant decorations and rich produce. That was all good and well, sure, but the drinks and gambling being offered are what the man out of the old west fancied. Getting to know the rest of the folk in the group was also desired. The information Alette had provided was far more accurate than he initially thought. It helped that Leaf found confirmation in certain things the pixie alluded to, but Slick felt embellishment was afoot. [color=tan][i]Addin’ a lil’ bit of truth to a lie gave the lie somethin’ to stand on in the face of a skeptic.[/i][/color] In any case, the man would get to know thr half of the group remaining in Myriamor. The entire party appeared to be excited. The lovely Sophie was eyeing the pool filled with playing children, a yearning in her deep blue eyes. Alette had fancied herself enough to drink to make her a happy woman today and miserable one tomorrow. [color=FF8E00]“I want to go swimming and play games! What about you guys?”[/color] Slick noted Caelan’s liveliness and found it to be a good trait for one to have. A young man ready to engage life and experience the world around him. He found Leaf to be a bit like that as well. [color=pink]“Would anyone like to try the Myriamor Mix? Made with the freshest fruit from the harvest. Do be advised as the liquor is quite strong.”[/color] Slick chuckled as he witnessed Caelan snatch himself up one of the drinks from the man serving them. He was a bit impressed to see the young man down the drink with ease and grab a second without a lick of hesitation. Slick could have watched what the Caelan was fixing to do next but the idea of free alcohol stole away his attention. Leaf speaking favorably of the Myriamor Mix only made it impossible to simply pass up. Then again, even if the drink tasted of piss he’d indulge. It didn’t cost a penny and a free drink was the best drink. [color=tan]“My pleasure.”[/color] He smiled as he grabbed himself a drink with his free hand. Unlike Caelan, he took a sip to savor the taste of the beverage. [color=tan]“I’ll be damned.”[/color] He peered into the cup, shrugged, and chugged down the rest before taking another. The drink was absolutely delicious! [color=FF8E00]“Guys the swimsuits are five amas over there.”[/color] Caelan had informed. [color=CA6F1E]“Seeing as how I am not a catfish I’ll have to pass. But the oasis here is the finest water in all of Avalia.”[/color] [color=tan]“I’ll pass as well. I ain’t fixin’ to get wet and that water can stay [i]fine[/i] right over there.”[/color] Slick was just about to take a sip of his second drink but stopped as his eyes caught Aurora with Alette using her hair as a plaything. [color=tan][i]Mighty close to that contagious blindness, ain’tcha?[/i][/color] Slick shook his head at the pixie before approaching the noteworthy elf. The white of her hair and eyes, the paleness of her skin, and what he could gather from her nature so far gave off an air of both grace and delicacy. [color=tan]“Auror-ra? I say that right? You fancy havin’ one of these drinks? I think everyone is in agreement that this here stuff is quite tasty.”[/color] Slick shrugged and chuckled at his own words. [color=tan]“Hell, who am I kiddin’, everything’s tasty here.”[/color] He offered the drink as a kind gesture, but also pitied the woman due to her affliction. [/Color]