[@samreaper] [color=ed145b]"Oh trust me, I already have enough justification. It's just that I can cross 'coward' off my list, for now."[/color], said Freya, pulling her hair back and tied it into a ponytail, albeit a pretty bushy, messy one. She was not even paying attention the crowd and was completely dead focused on Tristan. He really should have felt like she was peering right through him. She was pissed, but that steely focus in her eyes showed that her rage was not really going to be a factor for this battle. Still, she was slightly surprised to see a shiny Murkrow just right after seeing a shiny Litwick. What were the odds? Typically, a Murkrow would have the advantage in this fight simply due to having a very high attack stat and superior speed for this point of the game, but its attack stat had been decreased due to Intimidate, but Tristan probably would not know this due to his general lack of knowledge of Pokemon. Of course, there were other factors that one would have to consider though due to Tristan's complete inexperience he would probably fail to recognize them, which is terrible against an already experienced trainer. Right now, she just wanted to see how his reactions were. [color=ed145b]"We'll see about that. Growlithe, Ember!"[/color] The Growlithe opened its mouth wide, and a tiny barrage of fire balls flew straight towards the Murkrow. Even if King were to dodge, the Growlithe would adjust its position so it could keep attacking the potentially moving target. How does Tristan react?