[center][color=EE82EE][h1]Faye Wrexlyn[/h1][/color] [hider=Inventory] Pokédollars: 500 Egg in Egg Case 1x Potion Camping backpack with a cold weather sleeping bag with a sleeping pad added to it, waterproof canvas tarp, 50 ft of rope, mess kit, extra clothes, a week of food (granola, jerky, a few canned soup, pokemon food for Sage, etc), water purification kit and canteen, compass and maps of the region, magnesium fire starter, multi-tool knife, and a camping saw. [/hider] [hider=On-hand] [hider=Sage][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/eff1d438-78da-49ea-9491-bc93a470ef66.png[/img][h3]♂[/h3] [b][u]Species:[/u][/b] Eevee [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Normal [u][b]Level:[/b][/u] 5 [u][b]Status:[/b][/u] [u][b]Moves:[/b][/u] Tackle, Tail Whip, Growl, Sand-Attack [u][b]Ability:[/b][/u] Adaptability - Increases STAB from 1.5x to 2x [u][b]Held Item:[/b][/u] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=PC] [/hider] [/center] Hiking out of the city was less about noting landmarks - though anything of note that would help her navigate her way around Grand Glory would certainly be memorized - and more about the fastest route out based on her map. Once the city was behind her and the open fields were finally around, she stopped again to admire the sights. Wild Pokémon, a handful of people walking to their own destinations, the kids playing whatever it was. It was after walking a bit further and realizing the forest nearby wasn't on her map - after pulling her compass out to double check she was reading it correctly - she stopped again. "[color=EE82EE]Huh...That's weird.[/color]" Sage looked up at her and yipped, catching her attention. Faye looked down at her Eevee and shrugged. "[color=EE82EE]It's just that, almost every forest in the region is marked. This one isn't marked though. Like, it's not on my map and it doesn't have anything posted...[/color]" She crouched and showed Sage the map she was referencing, despite the fact he couldn't read it. Yet. She'd eventually teach him that. She had lots to teach him anyways. "[color=EE82EE]You know, now that I say that, though, I was reading up about the various areas of Evig. I'm from King's Cross so I know a lot about that area, and I know a decent amount about the Fenris City area from spending a lot of time there over the years. So I was making sure I was ready for getting you and getting started on our journey. Anyway, I was reading about the area, and I came across some old legends. If that's the forest I'm thinking of, it would actually make sense they would leave it off maps. Most people aren't foolish enough to wander into forests that aren't marked on maps....and from what I read it can be quite dangerous.[/color]" Still, she couldn't help looking over at it. If the rumors were true, that was a good place to go hunting for fairy type Pokémon. [i]But[/i] if the rumors were true, that was also a very dangerous venture for anyone to take on, especially someone with their first Pokémon. There was an itch in the back of her head to go check it out. If the rumors were true maybe she would end up walking out of the forest almost as quickly as she ventured in past the tree line; or, she could end up being lost forever...on her first day as a trainer...right after getting her starter and an egg from one of her idols. [i]However[/i] if the legend was to be believed, maybe it would let her go in and explore and be able to leave again without getting lost, if she had no intention of hunting any of the Pokémon there. Maybe. There was no thinking or consideration either way. It was just the itch to go check it out - feed her curiosity about it - and maybe, [i]hopefully[/i], get a picture of whatever the Pokémon of legend was that guarded but not mess with it. Or it would keep her there forever because she wanted to see it but not mess with it. Another nudge and yip, and the purple haired trainer blinked herself back to her body. A soft laugh escaped her as Faye looked back at Sage. "[color=EE82EE]Thanks. You know, you've got a big role to fill - keeping me on track - but you're doing a great job of that. Let's at least get some more teammates and hit that Daycare that Basil mentioned. Then we can go see if the forest spirit is real.[/color]" "[color=a2d39c]Ee eev.[/color]" Sage nodded his head. "[color=ee82ee]That's my boy.[/color]" She scritched behind his ear then stood, and put her map and compass away. They did have other things to be doing than wandering after fairytales. The giggling of kids playing caught her attention away from their objective again. She picked up her camera from where it hung against her side and focused it on the group of kids, using the lens to focus in and get a better look at what they were doing before snapping their picture. She then lowered the camera and headed over to get a closer look. Sage kept pace beside her.