[center][sub][@Hammerman][@Restalaan][@Dark Cloud][@WanderingDragon][@FrogRFlowR][@Noblebandit][@Rune_Alchemist][/sub][/center] So peeps, war has come. I had a game plan brewing, but wanted everyone to weigh in on it of course. Here's what I was brainstorming: Was thinking that Cambriel, Sam, Wyndressa, maybe Luna and Skarsneek would be good choices to send to the village. They can past themselves off as humans better than the others. Plus, Wyn's strong, so if anything goes awry they still should be good. But, maybe she'd need better backup? Wanna keep Gringor on the front lines, maybe Tomi because dragon. Atsuha too, Hinami could maybe go either or. What role do you want Nyla to play Rune? What are your thoughts? Let me know what roles you'd like to play.