Ethans intent stare did not leave her body, eyes sweeping the figure up and down as if she was about to spring to life again. Knife still embedded in her skin having not been pulled, but he was certain she was dead now or just barely clinging to life because the rise and fall of her chest was so faint, he couldn’t see, and he wasn’t about to leave the comfort of the bed to go check. It didn’t matter now anyway; she was dead, and the King had not come for her, so it meant he’d have to rethink his plan. Leaning forward he began to tap his foot just waiting for time to pass and to finally make a move, thinking over everything that had led up to this moment until he heard it a creak of a floorboard. Eyes going to the door and listening just in case he had imagined it as the house was old, or it could have even been a gust of wind passing through the old building. As Ethan stared at the door his hand twitched to his trousers where a gun was sat, it was always good to be alert especially as there was still a chance that Cassian would burst through the door in hopes to save the girl. Noticing the door handle move he knew he had been right, that they would come for her and he was ready to take action, but he was facing off members of the military all highly trained and ready to shoot without hesitation and he heard the gunshot ring out before he felt the sharp pain in his leg. “Shit!” Hissing out as his left hand went to the wound that had hit just below his knees, blood gushing out of the wound as he looked at Ethan who had entered the room between them both Iris laid on the floor and it was then he noticed a drone buzzing around. “Well, well, well… it seems his [i]majesty[/i] didn’t disappoint.” Words spat out through gritted teeth as he watched the drone knowing that the young royal prick was sat behind it safely as he sent his dogs to deal with this matter. Only then did a malicious grin spread across his lips as he eyed the drone not phased by the rest of the army that was here for just one man. “You’re too late, she’s [b]dead[/b]. You should have listened to me whilst you had the chance.” Dramatically he gestured to the pale body on the floor surrounded by her own blood, at first glance she looked dead, and he truly believed so and he had to make sure that Cassian would see it. “Goodbye [i]your majesty[/i].” With his point made his right hand quickly grabbed the gun in his pocket and without hesitation he fired the shot. It would have made sense if he retaliated at the military who had shot him first, make some dramatic exit but he wasn’t there to punish them. His goal was to end the royal line and if all else this guilt would eat away at the King, because he hoped he would blame himself for this. With his target hit he watched the drone he had shot fall to floor with a loud crash clearly broken and disconnected from whatever feed it had been giving. Ethans eyes were wild and with the same gun he swung it round and aimed a shot towards Jacob because he would go out with a bang, quite literally. If he became lethal, they wouldn’t bring him in for questioning, if they feared he was there to harm then he would be killed and it meant not giving them any sort of information so he began to shoot wildly emptying the case of the gun as a manic laughter left his lips.