[quote=@James Davy] Donald hacked his way into the security system and saw two anomalous figures sneaking around the Team Aqua facility. Getting an idea and figuring shutting down the security system was too obvious a solution, he set the cameras to broadcast routine work on a continuous loop to their various screens to mask Lisa and Nicole's sneaking around. "Ever watched [i]Speed[/i]? Spoiler alert," he quipped to himself. [/quote] During that day... With the masking of the possible breakout which was being perpetrated by Lisa and Nicole... Team Aqua didn't seem to pick up on the diversion that they were now facing was a ruse. It was on the outside of the base which was stationed over in Chicago that Lisa and Nicole had busted loose and had to make every step carefully flawless as it meant the difference of being back with the group... and or being re-captured and put in a tighter spot. It was gonna be a while before they could rejoin the others. They were gonna get back with their crew if it was the last thing ever done... But as far as Jeremy and the others knew... those two were still under the capture. Jeremy: We can only let time tell as to what will happen next. All we can do is press on with what we are in the middle of right now. Sandy: The concert's tomorrow. Are we sure that we are gonna ready in time? Time was winding down and the time till concert time was coming to a final second... All one could do was just keep on going and see what came from the mess. If there was anything uplifting to come from the matters that were still yet at hand...