[@samreaper] Okay, so there was a very big difference of blowing a gust of wind against dirt and grass and then blowing winds at flaming projectiles with their own momentum. Here's the issue, while King can make a gust of wind, he can't use Gust, which would've actually blown the flames away. Or if it had a colossal level advantage but King didn't. So King was essentially a still target and those embers met their mark with extreme prejudice. The poor bird was set ablaze by the attack and sustained massive damage. It was a critical hit! Along with the damage it suffered, it looked like parts of King were signed though they would occasionally glow red, damaging King over time. King was burned! Of course, Tristan had no idea about status effects though he would have to know that something was wrong. Or not. Who knows. King did at least get that Featherdance in and the Growlithe was covered in feathers though considering it just used Ember, this was not much of an issue. What does he do? [hr] [@Sanguine Rose] Smart of Faye to leave that forest for later. As she approached the kids with Sage by her side, one of them took notice of her. "Miss, miss!" A little girl called out to her, which was then followed by a group of kids running up to her. "Are you a trainer?" "Is that your Eevee? It's so cute!" "We're short a person. Can you join?" They all kept badgering on and asking her questions until they heard a harsh voice yell, [color=fff200]"Hey, quit it ya munchkins"[/color] The source of this came from a blonde-haired that was braided into twin-tails, freckled girl wearing denim overalls and a t-shirt. She looked to be around Faye's age as well. She was probably just babysitting these kids though judging from that scowl it seemed very unwilling. "But we need another or else it won't work!" complained one of the other kids.