[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TiVTH1U.jpg[/img] [color=gold]Time:[/color] Prime Time for SLIME TIME! (10:00 a.m.) [color=gold]Location:[/color] Riverport - Surfside Café → River Port Beach [color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Kharne, The Master of Baiting [@Kazemitsu], Arn, The Irreverent [@Omni5876], Kaleb, Desecrator of Slimes [@FunnyGuy] [Color=gold]Mentions:[/color] [color=gold]Armor:[/color] A full suit of [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/597967434732929024/908440683092774992/fdd83f4f126aefaa4bd903ec63f9c36f.png?width=450&height=676]Steel Half Plate[/url] & a [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/597967434732929024/908455448645091328/4e558567800f1435cff4791df8ecc4e2.png]Steel Targe[/url] [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/597967434732929024/908440683092774992/fdd83f4f126aefaa4bd903ec63f9c36f.png?width=450&height=676]Steel Half Plate[/url] [Color=gold]Weapon(s):[/color] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/597967434732929024/908465528568422420/074fbb8e4e66664c870eb3b1d3f049ed.png]Steel Longsword[/url][/center] [color=gold]Inventory:[/color] [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/597967434732929024/864247090107908136/1879ac03cb92713cb9e4e17dcc2268d4.png]A rogue-ish set of clothing[/url], his dog tags, and a set of [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/31/ac/9d/31ac9df882a7577c5c14acbde89f35e1.jpg]faux demihuman Wolf ears[/url], a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4d/f4/f9/4df4f95b9fef4d52de3dd97f062d457b.jpg]Ring of Disguise[/url], two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products. [hr] Ismael was present at the breakfast, he was attentive with the new faces and tried his best to understand who each person could be. A person's mannerisms were very important in understanding who they were as a person, yet the more basic conversation was very annoying in this endeavor as everyone was more or less confined to small talk. However it could not be helped, if more important talks were held, it would be much easier to see each person and how they acted with a more serious topic. However, if they talked so seriously in a public café, people could figure out who they actually were. If that happened, each person at this table would have a one-way ticket to the afterlife, well the lucky ones that is. Ismael just sat and ate, he wasn't here for much else at the moment, honestly, he wished he had some money to run around with. Enough to wet the whistle and maybe figure out something fun to do, training is interesting, yet Ismael wouldn't call it fun, its more just like work. Ismael honestly was slightly bored of the idea of looming danger, being on the security detail of an arms dealer always had a sense of danger, no matter where you were, so this was nothing new. The only thing that was slightly nerve-racking to Ismael was the fact that he had to now learn how to properly fight in melee combat, especially against what would be assumedly well-trained soldiers who had decades if not centuries to learn. However, since this world had not advanced to that technological level, he will need to learn that and how to use his magic, after all, a well-trained warrior has both a well-tuned body and a well-balanced mind. Funny enough, it seemed like there was an event that was occurring today that would provide some needed hands-on experience, well maybe it was a nice way to relieve some stress from the things that have happened so far. Slime Day as they call it, it seemed like a very smart thing to introduce as it was something that would normally cause damage, it seemed like a way for those in charge to get money circulating while also dealing with a large threat to their city. Ismael was interested because it would let him use some of his gear. [i]Some time later[/i] Ismael was set up and waiting, it took him a little bit to make sure his gear was properly on. It wasn't something he was used to, it wasn't like gear he was used to. It was much more like riot gear rather than what he was used to, however, it would provide much more protection here than it would in his world. Ismael was mostly relaxed, these were slimes, simple creatures in fantasy worlds, the thing he knew was that slashing weapons were bad on slimes because then it would cut them in half and have them multiply, which was slightly upsetting because he went and got a sword and it seems the first thing he fights is a creature who is immune to slashing. Ismael decided the Slime Day mallet would be something to buy, after all, all it took was 5 slimes and he would have made his money back, well, Kharne's money. It was rowdy and the air was filled with excitement as when the flying man started giving his speech it seemed that people began to get riled up, to the point where even Kaleb was getting into it, Ismael didn't know much about him but his words seemed to have been filled with overwhelming enthusiasm and confidence was all that he was giving. It made Ismael laugh as he looked to Kharne and said, [color=gold]"Looks like someone has really gotten into it"[/color]. Ismael lightly nudges Kharne with his elbow as he says, [color=gold]"What about you big guy? You feeling the spirit?"[/color] When the first slime emerges, Ismael began to hear the roar of the crowd as the man who seemed to be hyping up the crowd began the roar as he announced the first slime breaching the water. As everyone let out this deafening roar and charged forward. [sub]Purchases: Slime Day Mallet -15 amas[/sub]