[img]https://i.imgur.com/H1LfXbE.png[/img] She was standing there. Watching closely. Watching with a smile - and this smile meant little in regard to her usual smirk shaped on the lips. A cold and distant smile as if it was imprinted on her face permanently, on the never changing, constant, unamused face; it was not the case for the smile she wore on her face at this very moment. It probably was a detail of difficult significance to others and easy to remain unnoticed by many around her - or could be by everyone - but it was not to be missed by herself: Runa looked at the scenery unraveling before herself with a smile expressing an emotion of something that she would probably try to explain as joy. It was not to be put simply into the words as the source of that emotion lied elsewhere - it lied not in what she was watching to happen in front of her, it was not what caused it, and it was not what it was meant to cause further on as well. No, it was none of it, and all of it at the same time; the source of what she felt as joy was what she saw in that coenscision of events and all the numerous, countless branches which she saw, in which she was. She saw it all, she was everywhere, she felt it and at this very moment, her fragmented, scattered all across existence found the moment to align towards and in so to layer into the one specific spot of utmost precision. What she planned, had come to fruition. All the little details, all the little movements. All was moderated by Runa - Runas, all of them - to find a loophole in the great plan of the Abyss and its fate and reach for that loophole and abuse it in her favor. It was far from over though. There were still things to be done. But to feel all of this come into a single point of time, to moderate it into existence was a joy frilling the soul of the demoness, even though her eyes did express only the glint of intent somewhat uncanny to appear in the depth of the bottomless blue. The dragon arose and it brought the excessive parade of pure power and destruction. The beast which once slumbered inside of one, now has awakened and growled, shaking the walls of the cavern with its loud growl full of pure undirected overconsuming rage. Its shape grew only more and further led to the cave around them to shake and to crumble, its walls painted with cracks and rocks falling out of them. But it was only a mere beginning. Standing still and watching, watching this rage in taken shape to grow in tensity, Runa only observed for the moment. Waiting for the beast to take the form which would show to her the path of its totality - the path which denied being looked onto, the path which denied the future. The path of destruction, the path of overconsuming destruction. The path of apocalypse. The demoness looked around and, watching closely at what was happening around her - Kanbaru addressing Thomas and Riku, pushing them into a fight, Akiko who already was seeking out the opportunity to strike the dragon at its possible weak point. But there was a resonance of hesitation formed in a cloud of doubt lingering over Nephetos's head and seeking deeply in her eyes. Runa sensed it, was not very difficult to for her as she knew the undead samurai all for too long of a time to pick up on things alien to her behavior like that on a moment. Without a word said she rested her gaze onto the space before Nephetos and a moment flicker she was standing right in front of her, eye to eye. [color=FireBrick]“Your hand is not as quick and merciless as it tends to be in times of different than now, Nephetos. ”[/color], Runa said with her usual smile, [color=FireBrick]“We have come to this moment, Nephetos. We have reached it, or would I say we made it to reach to us. And yet something holds your hand from the grip on the sword. What would that be?”[/color]