Favorite is Thanksgiving and that's 100% a fault of my grandmother. Since I was born, she has hosted every year and while I'm far from the most comfortable person in any public gathering, even if it's a gathering of my family members, the food is always amazing and the joyful atmosphere is nice to just kind of exist in. However, these past few years have been hitting me differently. It becomes less about seeing my family and eating great food and more about the fact that even as the wonderful elderly woman that she is, grandma still insists on helping to prepare. To better put this in perspective, I still receive cards from her every Birthday, but a few years ago her handwriting had begun to fail and this year was the first I received that was typed. I love her very much and have become acutely aware that one day, I'll be eating Thanksgiving dinner somewhere else. My least favorite is New Years. I'm sorry but today is about to be tomorrow and I have to work in a few hours. Please let me sleep. Also I'm broke now because Christmas just happened and the lights just came down. Didn't we just do this? [sub][color=gray]QUESTION:[/color][/sub] What is the most expensive meal you've ever paid for and was it worth the price?