[color=lightgray][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2v9LFKE.png[/img] [Color=goldenrod][b]Time:[/b][/color] 10:00 a.m. [Color=goldenrod][b]Location:[/b][/color] River Port Beach [Color=goldenrod][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Kharne [@Kazemitsu], Arn, Master of Slimes [@Omni5876], Ismael [@Th3King0fChaos], Saoirse [@Potter] [Color=goldenrod][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] Annya [@princess] Eris [@Tae] [hider=Equipment:] [url=i.imgur.com/hkDcd7s.png]Male Outfit[/url] [url=https://imgur.com/nFFwshr] Backpack (top right)[/url] [url=i.imgur.com/LhphK55.jpg] Bow and quiver of arrows[/url] [/hider][/center][hr] With a low grunt, Kaleb kicked off the edge of the boardwalk to push ahead of the pack. However, not everyone charged forth so brazenly. During Slime Day, every participant had developed a strategy to slay as many slimes as they could. Some fiercely ran toward the oblong monsters just as Kaleb had, while others conserved their energy and waited for the slimes to inevitably reach their chosen position. Those with patience and those with initiative would clash against the inevitable hoard of monsters. Two hands gripped the wooden mallet Kaleb had chosen, painted with intentional messy splashes of red, blue, and green. He grunted again as he felt his legs tiring from running across the fatiguing sand. The armor he wore did not help either as it only added additional weight that sought to sink him in the loose ground below. His energetic charge slowed as he panted with each step forward. [color=goldenrod]“Almost… there… Almost… there.”[/color] Kaleb was fueled more by his pride than his raw determination. He couldn’t look worthless, especially since he hadn’t made the best impression on Princess Annya. The more athletic participants strode past him, but he continued as his eyes locked on a green hued slime headed straight for him. The creatures were just as Eris described. [center][color=68894D][i]“Living breathing, but very stupid gelatin dessert.”[/i][/color][/center] Kaleb planted his left foot forward and swung down to smash the green slime that splattered all over him. [color=goldenrod]“Are you fucking serious?!”[/color] Kaleb looked disgusted as he wiped some of the slime off of his face. He was sure the stuff would give him some sort of breakout, and it was even in his hair too! [color=goldenrod]“Ugh, fuck this…”[/color] He groaned as he was just ready to quit so he could get a “well-deserved” shower. Before he acted on making his exit, he looked over to see the others watching from the other section of the beach, more specifically, Annya. He could have just returned to the lounging group like he desired, but the young man was reminded of why he was out pulverizing slimes in the first place. [color=goldenrod][i]So fucking disgusting…[/i][/color] He suddenly bashed another with an underhand swing, sending its bits flying into the air. [color=goldenrod][I]But I have to show my stuff![/i][/color] He crushed another with his mallet, ignoring the slime splattering over him. His strikes were slow due to him being a bit winded, but he continued striking. Red. Blue. Green. Green. Red. Blue. Red. Green. Red. Red. Green. Blue. Blue. Red. Red… With each attack, Kaleb’s mallet gave off small streams of smoke. He could smell the wood burning, but was focused on the task at hand. Killing as many slimes as possible. Upon one of his many strikes, he noticed a brief spark but he ignored it. [color=goldenrod]“Ha!”[/color] he swung once more. [color=goldenrod]“Hooah!”[/color] His armor was covered in red, blue and green slime, matching the appearance of his mallet which was smoldering now. Those around him figured he had put a last minute enchantment on the weapon, but it was heat generating due to Kaleb’s magic leaking during his emotional state. Disgust, excitement, and even some amusement twisted within him to produce heat in his palms that channeled into his mallet. [color=goldenrod]“Raah!”[/color] The mallet burst into flames during a downward strike, making Kaleb flinch and let the weapon go as it planted into the sand. [color=goldenrod]“Fuck… What the fuck…”[/color] The mallet burned violently in front of him as slimes slinked past him. The burning flame had him entranced, as he had just discovered what his magical ability most likely was. [color=goldenrod][i]Fire.[/i][/color] He whipped his head around at participants close to his right and left, noticing the spectacle in awe. [color=goldenrod]“Wow! I didn’t think my light magic could produce so much heat! Damn, looks like I’ll have to settle matters with my bow!”[/color] He didn’t even know if it made sense for light magic to make wood catch fire, but how else could he explain what just happened without getting hauled off by some bounty hunter. Kaleb knew if one exuded enough confidence, people weren’t as willing to ask questions. He drew his bow and strung an arrow. The mallet was no longer an option as the fire weakened and broke down the wooden weapon. That, and continuing to use a burning weapon would draw too much attention to him. It was an L he was willing to take. The first fired arrow missed. He wasn’t focused. However patience would become his friend. He fired at close targets to get a feel for the bow and to collect his arrows from the dead slime remains. This slowed down the number of kills he might have gotten, but he performed well despite it. He glanced over in Princess Annya’s direction but this time his eyes were focused on Eris instead. The young man had aimed to impress Annya, but it was Eris he truly sought approval from. [/color]