[color=silver][h2][center]Stella Lumite[/center][/h2][/color] [hider=inventory]GP: 500 Items: PokeBall 5x[/hider] Oh dear. Had she just sentenced the professor to some terrible fate? "I really couldn't have asked for a battery opportunity. To have a living ancient Pokemon to study is a dream come true, I'm very thankful to him. Please don't destroy him over this." She looked over to see the little bug Pokemon, surprised to see it approaching then. "[color=silver]Oh, and it seems you've made a friend [i]somehow[/i][/color]." She looked at the Tyrunt in her lap, at least glad we was the personable sort. She had the feeling she lucked out, in that regard. Maybe because of how he was born, and what that meant for his experience growing up? Always around people, never in the wild. Of course he'd turn out like a puppy... Speaking of a puppy, Kaebe had gotten up and was approaching the little bug, but much more slowly this time. He sniffed, and then gave the bug a lick. "[color=silver]Kaebe, give the poor thing some space, come on now.[/color]" She leaned forward and wrapped an arm around her excitable puppy, slowly bringing him back to her side. She then placed a PokeBall in front of the Blipbug, smiling softly, "[color=silver]you seem like you want to come with me? Or maybe you just want to say hi. I don't mean to be presumptuous, but you must have had a compelling reason to come out from hiding.[/color]"