Time: Morning Location: Beach Interactions: Kaleb[@FunnyGuy] Mentions:, Raven Eris@Tae Saoroise[@Potter], Kharne [@Kazemitsu] : Ismael [@Th3King0fChaos], Annya[@princess] Bowyn [@Helo], Rue [@Potter] Equipment: Slime Day Mallet [hider=Foot Soldier weapons] Throwing axes x2: [img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/677ab232-8d47-4b15-8009-7b1522e7c0e7.jpg[/img][/hider] 869 Amas. River port was blessed with an Azure type ocean that sparkled in the morning light. The waves were calm, a necessary and welcome feature to any port. Probably the barrier reefs guarded the shore from the strongest of the waves making the area closes to land perfect swimming and diving spots. No doubt, at this very moment Rue, the princess and others from her party were enjoying the sun and salty air. Bowyn had decided to forego the slime day evolution, though if this was to spend more time with the winter fairy lass or to avoid Arn was not too sure. During the awkward breakfast, the soldier dwarf had stolen a glance or two but decided that probably meeting her eyes would be uncomfortable for both. Her more than anything as she was trying to repair her relationship with her village buddy. The young medic gripped the wooden mallet and choked on the handle as if trying to use it for support. The wooden mallet felt good in his hand. Every dwarf had molded their hands to both weapons and tankards. Though Arn often bypassed and tried to avoid any sort of violent encounter with sentient and intelligent beings, slime hunting would not be against his personal code of ethics. The gelatinous goo was little more than slug. Besides, there were many emotions that the dwarf needed to let loose. As luck would have it, these poor oozing practice dummies would be recipients of those pent up frustrations. He smirked as he saw the curly haired elf spring forth with gusto. A few people to his left was the unmistakable form of the lizard brute, though the sharp eyes that beheld the mass of slimes move towards them betrayed that behind the brutish façade, Kharne was any thing but. The demi human who had introduced himself as Ismael seemed to be on friendly terms with the big dragon kin. This only made Arn feel more fired up. Following after Kaleb, though in a more structured pace, he picked out his first target. The tangerine colored ooze boinged towards him with no regards or care. Arn swung with a back hand motion, allowing the shaft to slide gaining range as the heavy head followed the path of motion. The dwarf missed! The mallet head was an inch too short to impact the slime. The medic’s eyes went wide as he side stepped and tripped. Analyzing his mistake the soldier figured his muscle memory had expected a heavier weapon not the light wood of the mallet. Feeling embarrassed at his rookie mistake he did not even look around though from his peripheral he could see the almost graceful motions of the attacking draconic mercenary. Grunting low in his throat he charged after the tangerine slime, as if wanting revenge. This time, he jumped slightly and came down on the unsuspecting ooze with abandon. The hammer easily broke through the surface tension of the slime’s outer body and the slime exploded in all directions. There was a sense of accomplishment and release as the hammer plowed into the sand. The young soldier breathed out and a felt a sudden rush through his body. He enjoyed combat, and the din of battle but he often repressed it. He may not be the blood son of Thur Hammer hand but he still bore the same ability and enjoyment of battle. Or was it because he was the son of the King of Ironhold and through his veins ran the royal delight in war? Arn decided not to dwell too much on this philosophical inquiry and instead allowed himself to enjoy swinging this mallet around. There was a familiarity with the weapon that could be plainly seen by any skilled in combat. His strikes and poses betrayed his training. Low stances, efficient movements, and strong weapon control allowed him to efficiently claim slime after slime. More than once his path crossed that of the curly elf. Probably because the self assured man was weaving and waving without a seemingly rhyme or reason. Arn smirked as he saw that the other man’s wild swings had carry the evidence of his kills on his face and body. The dwarf himself was methodical in his direction of hunting and dispatching of the slimes. He was glad that he was using the mallet provided instead of his own mace or weapons. Slime clean up was tedious work. Due to the acidic nature of the slimes, if not cleaned properly, armor and weapons would rust. Also, being made of bodily fluids, a rancid smell would also develop. Using the entire length of the wooden shaft, which was meant fore regular sized humans, it allowed Arn to keep the splatter to a minimum. Once, when Arn was within ear shot, he called after Kaleb. [color=0054a6] “Make sure to wipe off the slime every now and then. If allowed to stay too long, it may cause a rash.”[/color] The acidic properties were probably not as strong on newly formed slimes such as these which were basically new born babes, but it would still cause discomfort. Something caught the dwarf’s eye. Was that fire on the curly elve’s mallet? He blinked and rubbed his eyes. No, others had seen it too and were stopping their hunting activities to stare. Kaleb tried to explain it away but the tone of his voice did not even seem like he was sure of that explanation. An inquisitive look formed on the young medic’s face but when a slime bumped into him he decided to perhaps address that later. Instead, he walked close to Kaleb. [color=0054a6]“If you don’t mind, I will take care of any slime getting too close to you and you can take care of the ones down range. These slimes should not be dangerous but we would not want one to bump into you and make you loose an arrow unto an unsuspecting participant.”[/color] If anybody truly believed Arn to be a self absorbed and praise seeking bastard, then his offer would almost appear to be an excuse to show up the curly headed elf.