[@samreaper] This was just a slaughter and honestly, there was no satisfaction in it. Tristan was a pathetic trainer, to put it lightly. He was not just an amateur, he literally had no knowledge of Pokemon or any basic concept of strategy. It was as if he never watched a Pokemon Battle in his life. Why in the fresh hell did Adriane pick him of all people? And he surrendered? Freya scowled but shrugged and returned her rather satisfied Growlithe back into its ball. [color=ed145b]"Well, I can't say I blame you. It's almost commendable to put your Pokemon ahead of your own pride. Just take care not to insult your own Pokemon's efforts, even if you mean well."[/color] With that, she turned heel and began to walk away from the arena to wherever Steph was. It really looked like she wanted nothing to do with him. At this point the crowd had dispersed with murmurs of disappointment or relief. To be frank, it was such a pathetic sight that no one really wanted to stay anyway. To save us time, we will say that Tristan had gone to the Pokemon Center to heal King again. When the Nurse Joy arrived, she didn't just hand him back King's Pokeball. A large, heavy hardback textbook filled with many posted notes fell on his lap. It looked like it was in rather bad shape; the cover was rather beaten up and the corned were bent upwards. He would have received a stern look from the Nurse Joy. Yes, the same one that called him a little shit. [color=f49ac2]"I saw that... 'battle.' If it's any consolation, it really was just bad luck."[/color] She said, her eyes now peering down at the book on his lap. [color=f49ac2]"You look like you care, but if you really do, read that book. I'm sorry if it's a bit rough. It's the one I used in school. I kept it around for this exact reason."[/color] [center][i][color=6ecff6]Obtained Used Pokemon Textbook![/color][/i][/center] What does Tristan do now? [hider=Grand Glory City] [img]https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1ipUVazDuK1RjSszdq6xGLpXaq/Anime-City-skyline-bollywood-street-car-photo-studio-background-High-quality-Computer-print-party-backdrop.jpg_Q90.jpg_.webp[/img] Grand Glory City is located in the north-east of the Evig region and is the third largest city in all of the region with a quickly rising population. As well as being the largest, it is also one the newest as well and there almost always seems to be something new under construction though it is done so at swift rate due to the efforts of humans and Pokemon working together. The city, if the name did not give it away, represents the victory of the Evig over Cipher and the progress to move away from the dark past of the region as well as house many refuges whose homes were lost during the ordeal. It is the City of New Beginnings. Despite being a newer city, there is much to offer. It has the first newly established Trainer's School in the region, and it has a small park where trainers can catch Pokemon. There were others before, but they were destroyed by Cipher. The Grand Glory Port has a marketplace with goods from all over the world and ferries. There are many stadiums where tournaments are held, but it is far too early for you guys. Of course, there is the League Administration's headquarters is located here and contains the lab of the young Pokemon Professor Kapoc. [/hider] [hider=Suggested Actions] 1. Find Pokémon.[i] Can still search for Pokémon in towns and cities.[/i] 2. Talk. [i]In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. Specify what kind you’re looking for.[/i] 3. Exit. [i]Exit the town to any of the connected areas.[/i] 4. Specify. [i]If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result.[/i] 5. Trigger random event. [i]Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you.[/i] 6. Notable Buildings. [i]Visit any of the facilities of the city![/i] 6.1. Pokémon Center. [i]Heal all your Pokémon.[/i] 6.2. PokéMart. [i]Go to a store and buy things.[/i] 6.3. Gym. [i]???[/i] 6.4. Grand Glory Arena [i]A local venue for Pokemon battling tournaments for prizes. You are too weak to partake, but are allowed in as a spectator.[/i] 6.5. Trainer’s School. [i]Where young trainers study to become better. Has a little park of wild Pokémon.[/i] 6.6. League Administrator Headquarters. [i]You know you’re always welcome. Except in Kapoc's lab. He'll tell you to fuck off.[/i] 6.7. Grand Glory Harbor. It has a marketplace and ferries to places. [/hider] [hider=Grand Glory City, Known Pokemon] Common: #016-Pidgey #019-Ratatta #052-Meowth #519-Pidove Uncommon: Rare: [/hider] [hr] [@CitrusArms] Too late, Kapoc is in a whole lot of trouble. As for the Blipbug, it was rather curious about this strange duo. A Pokemon from the past living in the modern era with this kind, yet odd girl who appeared to be quite studious if what her intentions with the Tyrunt were to be true. How would such a duo workout in the end? Curiouser and curiouser. The Blipbug did flinch from the lick, but at least it didn't run away this time! Progress! It looked at the Pokeball, contemplating a bit more though it seemed to have made its decision. The bug crawled over to it, hitting the button with one of its stubby arms before it was absorbed in a beam of light. It rolled once... it rolled twice...it rolled thrice! [hider=Result] [color=6ecff6][i][center]Stella caught Blipbug![/center][/i][/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6GbnVq0.png?1[/img][/center] Gender: Male Type: Bug Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 5 Moves: Struggle Bug Ability: Swarm [i]Powers up Bug-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low.[/i] Held Item: None. Currently at Full HP. [color=6ecff6][i][center]Would you like to nickname your Blipbug Stella earned 500P! [/center][/i][/color] [/hider] While this was not the most exciting of first captures and perhaps a bit strange, it was the start of her journey. There were also so many things to do the city as well! What does Stella wish to do? [hider=Grand Glory City] [img]https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1ipUVazDuK1RjSszdq6xGLpXaq/Anime-City-skyline-bollywood-street-car-photo-studio-background-High-quality-Computer-print-party-backdrop.jpg_Q90.jpg_.webp[/img] Grand Glory City is located in the north-east of the Evig region and is the third largest city in all of the region with a quickly rising population. As well as being the largest, it is also one the newest as well and there almost always seems to be something new under construction though it is done so at swift rate due to the efforts of humans and Pokemon working together. The city, if the name did not give it away, represents the victory of the Evig over Cipher and the progress to move away from the dark past of the region as well as house many refuges whose homes were lost during the ordeal. It is the City of New Beginnings. Despite being a newer city, there is much to offer. It has the first newly established Trainer's School in the region, and it has a small park where trainers can catch Pokemon. There were others before, but they were destroyed by Cipher. The Grand Glory Port has a marketplace with goods from all over the world and ferries. There are many stadiums where tournaments are held, but it is far too early for you guys. Of course, there is the League Administration's headquarters is located here and contains the lab of the young Pokemon Professor Kapoc. [/hider] [hider=Suggested Actions] 1. Find Pokémon.[i] Can still search for Pokémon in towns and cities.[/i] 2. Talk. [i]In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. Specify what kind you’re looking for.[/i] 3. Exit. [i]Exit the town to any of the connected areas.[/i] 4. Specify. [i]If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result.[/i] 5. Trigger random event. [i]Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you.[/i] 6. Notable Buildings. [i]Visit any of the facilities of the city![/i] 6.1. Pokémon Center. [i]Heal all your Pokémon.[/i] 6.2. PokéMart. [i]Go to a store and buy things.[/i] 6.3. Gym. [i]???[/i] 6.4. Grand Glory Arena [i]A local venue for Pokemon battling tournaments for prizes. You are too weak to partake, but are allowed in as a spectator.[/i] 6.5. Trainer’s School. [i]Where young trainers study to become better. Has a little park of wild Pokémon.[/i] 6.6. League Administrator Headquarters. [i]You know you’re always welcome. Except in Kapoc's lab. He'll tell you to fuck off.[/i] 6.7. Grand Glory Harbor. It has a marketplace and ferries to places. [/hider] [hider=Grand Glory City, Known Pokemon] Common: #016-Pidgey #019-Ratatta #052-Meowth #519-Pidove Uncommon: Rare: [/hider]