The trio treks onward along the High Road, traveling South from Neverwinter. About midway through the second day a fire suddenly flares up among the high grass to the East of the well traversed route. A feminine figure can be made out running towards the group followed swiftly by a few bandits. "Get her!" The lead bandit shouts to the others as they continue their pursuit. [color=0072bc]A dark redhaired woman fumbles out from the nearly five-foot grass. Her fancy robes are worse for wear, her features scuffed with dirt, and hempen robe haphazardly bound around her hands. Frantic blue eyes dart between those chasing behind her and the white haired woman before her as she attempts to scramble back up onto her feet.[/color] "Help me, please!" [color=0072bc]she pleads.[/color] [color=8882be]Zelana casts a wry glance to the two men ahead on the trail accompanying the wagon. With a soft sigh she draws her crossbow and levels her attention on the nearest of the bandits just visible through the terrain. The crossbow bolt whizzes through the air, striking the first bandit in the shoulder.[/color] "We've got incoming!" [color=8882be]Zelana calls out as she prepars her next shot, just incase neither of the humans had heard. She couldn't imagine that they would have missed what was going on, but one could never be certain.[/color] "At least this won't be an entirely uninteresting trek," [color=8882be]the half-elf mutters to herself.[/color] [hr] [url=][Zelana's attack roll meets/beats AC score (with half cover)][/url] Each character can get a ranged attack in before initiative kicks in. If they do not have a ranged attack, proceed to initiative rolls.