[center][color=c4df9b][h3]Maritza Verenna[/h3][/color][/center] For several moments the naga offered nothing in reply, except for her snake half which carefully tightened it's grip around Lady Cal further. Though not enough to risk genuinely hurting the girl, the knight serpenta's scales were tight enough to most certainly be uncomfortable. Then with a slow sigh, Maritza unraveled herself, gently pulling away from the young noblewoman. [color=c4df9b]"As you command, Dame Radistirin."[/color] The naga's reply came in the same eerily calm voice, as she withdrew to a more polite distance and sheathed her axe in the process. [color=c4df9b]"Very well Lady Cal, if you won't answer to us, then I suppose you will have to answer to the crown and church. The daughter of a traitor with an undying bodyguard who has hired mercenaries to acquire a shard of an apocalyptic weapon which is responsible for the death of an entire garrison of soldiers, all of which neatly coincides with an assassination attempt on the princess... You must understand that this does not look good from our position."[/color] The naga added with slow, carefully chosen words; folding her arms across her chest as she looked on noblewoman.