[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6w4V9ZJ.png[/img] Level 10 Blazermate - (18/100) - 1 stored level up Carcass Isle Words: NA [/center] Blazermate's gambit managed to do the damage she wanted, although not as much as she thought it'd do, Sakura getting up to delvier the final blow. And while Blazermate's medaforce beam did heal her up from the damage she had taken to get the charge for it, the Orphan didn't like getting hit by the laser blast, and as Blazermate got healed, she also got struck by a direct lightning bolt, causing her to collapse, a bit darkened by the ash caused by said lightning bolt. This hurt, a lot, and disabled her shield arm that she had jsut healed up, alongside almost disabling her leg parts which would stop her ability to fly. All this and the grund was turning to muck while Blazermate was righting herself from the lightning strike. Thankfully, Link scooped her up to get her out of danger. [color=0072bc]"Ah, thanks Link."[/color] blazermate said, using the opportunity Link gave her to heal as everyone else dealt with the new boss. At least Blazermate could place a marker on the new boss's weak point as Link carried her and heal up at least her leg parts so she could keep herself out of the muck. After healing for a bit, Blazermate soon had to dodge the strange jellyfish orbs this boss was throwing out. Although moving and healing herself was all Blazermate could do at this time as that lightning strike had also destroyed her sentry. But there was one thing Blazermate could do. There were still red cracks in the arena Blazermate could touch, and while dodging and healing these attacks, she managed to touch one, the ghost zooming off to hit the creature in its eye, knowing where to hit it apparently to do damage. That was about all she could do, especially as a spirit of one of their fallen commrades appeared in front of Blazermate. That cyber ninja that the first bosss he fought had killed. Although unlike the others, Blazermate's logical mind wasn't tricked by this apparition as she knew that spirits didn't become ghosts, thats not how it worked here, so this didn't distract her as much as it would others. ========================================================================= [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (18/80) [b]Location:[/b] Blizzard of doom [b]Word Count:[/b] less than 750 [/center] This blizzard just got worse and worse, more and more people getting lost, it getting colder, and the Queen being sick adn tired of all of this. She could barely move without blinking, and blinking meant she lost her heat source which just made things worse. But like the others, after passing out from the cold she found herself at the summit of the mountain, all warm and healed up. She knew she wasn't dead, since she still looked the way she was. But she did make a note to destroy whatever caused that blizzard for revenge. And with the big colossus in front of them all being a good target to vent her frustration, Sectonia went on the attack. Being one of the few flyers of the group, she could get up and attack the so called Guardian with her rings of light, the large version fairly easily. Its size would make her slow spell useless, but she could haste herself to get these rings of light out faster. Even if some went every which way thanks to that mask that tripled the amount of rings she threw out.