Nirann gave a brief shrug. “Well, strictly speaking, it [i]could[/i] help, insofar as it could help facilitate the development and maturation of interpersonal relationships that are vital to the mental well-being of a social species like Humans…” He started, speaking quickly and flatly before shifting to a more usual tone. “…but yeah, I guess I can admit that we have some other things to worry about tonight. Maybe we can still put together a smaller party back at base?” “We should certainly put [i]something[/i] together. She needs friends right now.” Marae remarked. In any case, Nirann put his focus more sharply onto Freyr as he maneuvered his way closer to her through the crowd. Between the music and the roar of the crowd, the sounds around them were overwhelming, but the closer he came, the more distractions he could filter out until he could hone in on Freyr’s voice alone. “Now, we [i]probably[/i] shouldn’t get ourselves thrown out of the party. Come on over here, I’ve got another idea for some real fun. You’ll love it.” Nirann messaged Freyr directly. He knew better than to just try to appeal only to her sense of reason when that sense was very much compromised at the moment. Rather, he went with the approach of dangling temptation in front of her to get her to go along willingly with what they needed her to do. It did not matter if he was being vague as long as he spoke confidently enough about it.