The mercenaries strike cuts through the leather armor of the bandit point-man. A growling yelp of pain tears up from the man's throat. [color=8882be]Zelana takes aim once more on the ranged bandits in the grass, letting loose a bolt that strikes true to its target.[/color] As Zelana's bolt flies into the grass, a volley from the others strike in on the adventurers. The first of which pierces into the half-elf's shoulder, drawing a colorful slurry of elven curses from the woman's lips once more. The second hits into the side of the wagon while the third just nearly strikes the farmer hiding behind cover. [color=0072bc]Free of the bindings, the sorceress mutters a few words beneath her breath and gestures into the tall grass masking the view of the remaining bandits. While the ball of fire that lets loose from her palms misses its intended mark, the grass ignites in a momentary magical flame before rapidly extinguishing and leaving the three bandits holding light crossbows exposed.[/color] [hr] Zelana Attack Nat20//Damage total 8 Lunesea Attack 9 - Misses Back to top of round with Berrin