[center][color=6ecff6][h3]G A B R I E L[/h3][/color][/center] [color=6ecff6]"Oh shi-"[/color] raising his weapon, Gabriel deftly deflected the hit with his blade however the duelist bit his tongue with a pained wince as the force behind the bugbears attack was crushing. He spun on his heel backwards from his opponent, with a wide grin on his face and chuckled [color=6ecff6]"En garde, then."[/color] it wasn't a fight to the death thus the riposte the swordsman struck was instead masterfully directed to the bugbears shield arm, in a moment where the swordsman saw an opportunity when Brutrumukk dropped his guard. Suddenly the shield flew to the side as the swordsman glanced a blow off the bugbears arm causing him to release it. Then he held the point of the rapier to his opponents chest. The duel was concluded.