[@Sanguine Rose] The girl looked at Faye, back the hopeful kids, back to Faye and then just shrugged. [color=fff200]"Eh, it's fine. You seem nice enough."[/color] Honestly, this was pretty irresponsible for her to do considering this girl was a stranger, but what would anyone expect from someone who was being forced to watch munchkins, which was the last thing she wanted to spend her day. The kids' eyes though lit up as they were absolutely ecstatic to have a new person join their little game. They all huddled up as if they were playing a game of American Football and were whispering to each other albeit rather loudly though it was not exactly discernible. Eventually, they broke from the huddle and all eyes were now locked on Faye and Sage as if the council of the Lollipop Guild had come to a conclusion. One of the kids, the little girl that noticed her earlier ran up to her with a big, bright grin. "We're having a tourn...tourna...tournmant? Sis, what's the word you used?" The kid turned to the teen who just sighed and shook her head. The shit she had to deal with on a daily basis. [color=fff200]"Tournament. You know what, I'll just explain it. It's my fault anyway."[/color] She huffed and turn to Faye. [color=fff200]"It's just a simple tournament. You know how it goes; fight the person who won the previous round. Whoever wins gets to-"[/color] "Whoever wins gets to challenge Mr. Hoots!" One of the other kids chimed in. The teen just looked very much done with all of this. [color=fff200]"What they're trying to say is that this Pokemon with a bowtie showed up recently and they kept arguing who gets to catch it, so I just suggested this mess. What I didn't anticipate was that we didn't have enough to make it fair so you dropping by is pretty lucky."[/color] She looked at least a little thankful for Faye for making the numbers even so this whole matter could be laid to rest. [color=fff200]"Now I don't own a Pokemon so I can't battle so make sure you don't go easy on them for me. I wouldn't."[/color] At that, all of the kids stuck their tongues out at the teenager though she ignored them. [color=fff200]"Now for the trouble, I'll heal your Pokemon for each round since, uh, you look like you only have the one. That is if you do decide to join."[/color] She was really hoping Faye would join. What does Faye do? [hr] [@samreaper] Perhaps to his surprise, no one actually pointed and laughed at him, or really mock him in general. Even the people who saw that disaster of a battle merely gave him a glance that acknowledged his existence, but just was quickly went back to their own lives since they had better things to do. While this may be a strange concept to him, no one actually gave a shit about him because the world did not revolve around him. No one was going out of their way to mock him as if the world had it out for him. Despite what he thought, Tristan was simply not that important. In the greater context of the world, he was just a nobody. This was the reality that he now lived in. Tristan, after so many attempts to find a Pokemart, finally found one. He would walk through the sliding doors and greeted by a clerk. [color=0072bc]"Hello there! How can I help you?"[/color] These are the items available to Tristan at the moment. [i][center] [color=6ecff6]Pokéball -200P Potion -300P Antidote -100P Paralyze Heal -200P Awakening -250P Burn Heal -250P Ice Heal -250P Escape Rope -550P Repel -350P[/color] [/center][/i]