[quote=@James Davy] "Locations c-c-c-c-confirmed," Porygon-Z notified after tapping the GPS data of Lisa and Nicoles' phones, "Transmitting d-d-d-d-data…" Knowing that Anistar's Braviary was part Psychic, Porygon-Z materialized out of Donald's phone and telepathically sent images of maps with a teardrop-shaped red blip indicating where to fly. Donald sent an anonymous hot tip to the Chicago PD Intelligence Unit with the probable location of Team Aqua's hideout. Two other investigative bureaus were chosen as carbon copy destinations: the FBI and Interpol. "I just sent hot tips to the Chicago police, the feds and Interpol," Donald stated, "I figured the local cops would want some backup dealing with a Japanese criminal syndicate that desires to increase ocean volume and wipe several island nations off the map." [/quote] Anistar: Good. Braviary... Go. Find Lisa and Nicole and aid in the rescue. Alice: *Calling out her Onix and sending him out over to the location* As for Lisa and Nicole... They were on the run still and heading south Towards the Riverdale area of Chicago. It was gonna be a long trip back to the crew... but they were gonna make the most of it. [img]https://therhapsodyfamilyuniverse.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/lisa-pidgetta-lightfoot-136.jpg[/img] Lisa: We have to get the hell outta here and back to where it's safe. It's dangerous out here... [img]https://therhapsodyfamilyuniverse.files.wordpress.com/2019/06/nicole-eunha-lightfoot.jpg[/img] Nicole: My Druddigon can get us over to Missouri. It's just itching to get back with the group. Lisa: Not now... Nicole. We can't use any of our pokemon right now. It isn't safe. Team Aqua's likely got a team out to come after us and see on nailing us again. They're gonna be just chomping at the bit to recapture us. Nicole: What're we gonna do? We can't just sit here and do nothing. We've got to get out of here fast somehow... Lisa: I know. Were they gonna be found before long... Or was it dead set on being curtains again for them? SOMEONE COME TO Their rescue... HURRY!