[CENTER][h1][color=f49ac2]Witchlight Carnival The Fourth Hour[/color][/h1] [color=82ca9d][h2]What Happens Next...[/h2][/color][/CENTER] Mister Light quirked an eyebrow as Gabriel unsheathed his sword, but he smiled when Gabriel made it clear that his act is swordplay. He discreetly moved out of the ring as Brutrumukk comes and displays his show of strength. The crowd gasps and gives various "Oohs" and "Ahs" at the display. Some murmur in confusion over the mention of the kenku, but that doesn't distract them too much from the show. Gabriel's swordplay against Brutrumukk garnered similar reactions as they watch Gabriel just barely triumph over the bugbear barbarian. They cheered at the swordplay tricks and flourishes that were performed during the spar. They gave an applause to him after the faux battle was finished. Jub's magical display of Brutrumukk's name gets cheers and applause as the fireworks. It served as a grand finale to the acts Brutrumukk and Gabriel put forth. After their acts, nobody else steps forward, and the crowd begins to shuffle out. When the party of 6 is reunited, the same lanky bugbear wearing dungarees, fairy wings, and a helmet made from a jack-o'-lantern from the extravaganza approaches them. "[color=fdc68a]Follow me,[/color]" he growls. "[color=fdc68a]Management wants to see you.[/color]" Before leading the party of 6, he looks at Tsak and nods towards the backstage area.