Neil had done this more than once. The quay's of Marienburg were packed with ships, ocean-going and fresh water and filled with loot. Neil could tell the net he clambered up was just for show. He wanted to say it was some chaos plot, but likely whoever owned the boat before their untimely demise transported people more than goods and wanted to give off the 'authentic' reik feel of a humble fishing vessel. That wasn't hard to figure out. The harder thing would be how to proceed once they were top side. Neil stopped near the lip of the barge, Emmaline following and bumping her blonde head into the heel of his boot. "Ow," she whispered a bit too loudly, reaching for her head and glancing up, bemused. Neil sucked in a breath and held it, hesitating before holding out a hand to keep Emmaline quiet. She plugged her mouth shut with a hand, and in moments it was clear footsteps were passing them by. Neil knew if it hadn't been for the lapping of the water, she would have been heard. As it was, the creaks of the deck boards continued from right to left until they receded into nothingness moments later. Neil let out a relieved breath, motioned her to wait, and then slowly ascended until he peeked his head over the top of the railing. He had the fright of his life when his vision was filled with the visage of a gap-toothed Norscan smiling like a crocodile. Neil moved in a purely reactionary manner. He didn't have his gun or his sword, and the man was too big to punch and do much more damage than making him pissed off, and the corrupt guard likely didn't react because he had expected Neil to cry out. Instead, Neil grabbed him by his head and yanked, slamming his forehead into the railing with the sudden force of a hammer. Ranald took away, but Ranald also giveth. It was nothing short of divine inspiration, and the Norscan slipped into unconsciousness with barely a groan, clumsily hitting the deck. Neil held his mouth opened in surprise, and he looked down to see Emmaline was equally surprised and maybe impressed at the quick thinking? Either way, it was lucky. Within a minute, Neil had helped Emmaline on board and had tossed the heavy man overboard to drown. It was heartless, but he was either a thug that would have killed him, or a bleeding Chaos sympathizer. "That takes care of one of the two guards," Emmaline whispered, glancing behind them. "Let's just get below and hope we don't find the other one until we find the powder." Neil remarked, nodding for her to follow. He had never been on this ship, but he knew the rough layout of most river barges. Two doors down was a central door that led to the second floor. Neil crept along the outerlying edge of the ship, Emmaline behind him and staying quieter than she had on the net. Neil peeked through the corner, seeing the ass end of a man walking out of his vision. Neil waited another few moments before he opened the door. When Emmaline followed him in, Neil took a step down the stairway and unsheathed his sidesword. "Let's be careful" he said, entirely unconvinced.