[quote=@James Davy] Donald opened his phone's message app and got Lisa and Nicole's phone numbers from his Porygon-Z before sending a message to them. [i]Lisa, Nicole, Anistar's Hisuian Braviary and Alice's Onix are making their way to your locations to take you back to our concert in SLMO. Please lay low until their arrival and turn off your cell phones lest TA finds you first. Your long-lost brother, Donald. PS: check your things and clothing in case they planted GPS trackers on your persons during your abductions.[/i] [/quote] Lisa and Nicole read the message and saw that they were to be rescued. It was a relief to them... However they now had to check their stuff for trackers planted by Team Aqua. They had to ensure that there was nothing there. It didn't take long for them as there wasn't many places for them to have trackers planted. It was a fast call. Lisa: *Looking at the surroundings and then back at the spot they were at* Rescue is coming... *Suddenly feeling the ground rumble underneath* Whoa... W-w-w-what is that? Seconds later... "Oooooonix!" Lisa: *Spotting Onix* That's Alice's Onix. Only she'd send her Onix out to us like this... Nicole: That must mean... A Braviary, Mandibuzz and a Fearow... Came down and greeted them... Sandy's Fearow: Lisa, Nicole... You two are here and safe. But it isn't safe. Team Aqua is likely to be not far behind. Hop on... on one of us. We'll get you back to the others. Danger is near and it could be a matter of time before the bad guys come at you again. Lisa: Is our brother Jeremy safe? Sandy's Fearow: He is. He's been deadset in trying to do anything it would take to rescue you two. Nicole: After the big blowout that we've had with him... we didn't think he'd want to have anything to do with us. But he was still gonna come for us... even though there was that blowout? Sandy's Fearow: Yeah. Lisa: Take us to him... Please. Within seconds... They were on their way to the location where Jeremy and the rest were... It was gonna be a reunion that they'd never see coming...