The weather was excellent for being outside, and Devika’s father had the windows down the whole drive. Devika had subtly requested it. Hopefully it would make Roxy more comfortable in the cramped car. The amusement park venue could be seen from quite a while away. The top of the roller coaster came into view first, and then the Terrible Tower drop ride. The scents came next, popcorn, and sugar drifting through the windows. Wacky World came into view proper within a few minutes. There was cheery carnival music piped through hidden speakers, and a small crowd already at the ticket line. However, since their tickets had already been bought, the group breezed through the gate. The park was already busy, despite the early hour. Devika felt the strain against her and Roxy’s bubble. Luckily, most of the emotions were joyous, but even too much of that left Devika hyperactive and almost manic. “Well, where would you like to head first?” Tim’s eyes were shining behind his glasses.