[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 498 (+1) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 7[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]//////////////////////////////////////////[/color]/////////////////////////////// (42/70) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] Sandswept Sky - Graveyard of the Peaks [/center] Midna pulled down her scarf, ripped off her mask and took a deep relieved breath of the fresh and clear mountain air as she took in the scenery. They’d made it. All of them. Through some miracle all those that had fallen had been drawn up to the heavens where the air was merely crisp rather than frostbite causing. Where the vistas were bright and glorious rather than bleak and barren. It was a fair bit too bright for Midna’s taste, but she was more than happy to put up with a bit of squinting if it meant not freezing to death. [color=Aquamarine]”Goddesses. That’s a beautiful sight”[/color] the princess had to say, taking it all in, before looking a little closer at the murals on the walls on the ‘inverted bell’ as the strange man called it and frowning [color=Aquamarine]”but I could go without the excessive depictions of suffering though. Never a good sign those, at least on their own.”[/color] Generally you wanted there to be some depiction of release from suffering in your religious imagery, or at least a building out of it as her people had done in their prison turned home. She squatted down to gaze into the depths, and in a mixed mind of whether being able to see properly would be worth putting up with whatever sacreligious nightmares awaited down there, when the man who had identified the location made a request and brought their attention to the grand floating serpent soaring high above them. [color=Aquamarine]”Well that’s convenient. Guess we won't need to go down there after all.”[/color] She said, squaring up for a fight with what was clearly the area boss, and then after a few moments dropped the fighting pose upon realizing that the titan was content to mind its own business while they were all the way down here. [color=Aquamarine]”Huh. Well if it’s happy to wait then so am I. Gives us time to prepare… oh. right”[/color] she snapped her fingers upon remembering their whole plan, and, within a few moments, she had popped down the Portcrystal that could be used as a beacon that its smaller kin could teleport too. [color=Aquamarine]”There we go, that should let everyone else come-”[/color] she was saying while dusting off her hands when Ciella popped into existence right in front of her, something she wasn’t really a fan of. [color=Aquamarine]”- oh. Right. You're with us”[/color] she said dismissively, and then waited a few moments for literally anyone else to appear. Unfortunately it looked like the madwoman was the only person on the ball with her transportation rock. Or who had nothing better to do than keep checking it (which was Midna’s assessment of the situation). [color=Aquamarine]”Well if we’re going to be waiting for a bit, and the big dragon’s looking like it's fine with just floating around for now, might as well camp up and get some rest and energy back”[/color] she said, floating down to take a seat on the edge of the inverted bell, legs swinging over the abyss as she summoned up a convenience store sandwich and a bottle of water from the twilight realm. She popped open the bottle, took a deep draft of it’s continents, sighed happily as the hydration it revitalized her, and then asked [color=Aquamarine]”Anyone want something? How about you, Redento?”[/color] happy enough to rustle up some post mountain climb grub for whoever wanted to tap into their stores of rations. [hr] [center][img]https://www.mariowiki.com/images/thumb/b/b2/Koopa_Troop_artwork.png/658px-Koopa_Troop_artwork.png[/img] [h2][color=FD0000]The Koopa Troop[/color][/h2] [b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,654 (+6) [b][color=FD0000]Bowser: Level 10 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=FD0000]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (173/100) [b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 9 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (137/90) [b][color=DeepSkyBlue]Kamek: Level 10 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=DeepSkyBlue]///////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]/////////////////////////////////////////////////(57/100) [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] Bottomless Sea – Carcass Isle Feat: Rika [/center] “Hmmmm. Balloons huh? I’ll keep those off of us, you focus on the eye?” the End offered, glancing over at his compatriot and getting the briefest of thumbs up from Quiet’s grip holding hand. She never ceased firing to do so, instead professionally and unflinchingly hammering shot after shot after shot into the titan’s weak spot. The gave a little faint “hmm” to let her know he got her agreement, and then, unknowingly taking after a certain [url=https://i.imgur.com/T7nGgFu.png]cadre of monkeys[/url], turned his tranquilizer gun to the heavens and started using the darts to pop balloon after balloon till he and Quite ran out of time. Down below the tar slick sand, having regurgitated its ruined cargo of monuments of a lost age, now hungered, threatening to draw anything and everything it had not sent out itself down into the muck. One of the group was finding this out the hard way. “Oh nonononono I’m sinking, I’m sinking!” cried Rika, as her natural floating ability failed to fight the omnivorous oil which gripped her boots and tried to drag her and her wounded cargo down into oblivion. She tried to haul her weakened legs up out of the tar, but like quicksand, all her attempts just drew her deeper. Jr’s own struggling didn't help much either, the boy in her grasp wriggling out of it and then more or less climbing her to try and get away from the muck. “Jr stop you're just making it worse! Wait what are you-” Rika said as the wounded boy hurled himself clear of her and landed in the oil as well. Before being sucked down into a sticky end he thrust out his paintbrush, the end of which was caught by the quadrant of chef bro strikes he summoned, who worked together to haul him up to the safety of a half sunken building via an open window. The boy fell in through the window and onto the carpeted floor of the room, panted for a few moments, and then picked himself up and tried to reach the brush back out to Rika. The sinking ship girl grasped for it, but it was too far to reach, even with the chef bros holding jr so he could lean out as far as he could. Then Kamek returned right in the nick of time. With a [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Hold on! I‘ve got you”[/color] she swapped down on her broom and bridged the gap with her body, grasping the brush with one hand and Rika’s outstretched hand with the other. With a great deal of strain the shipgirl was hauled up to the half sunken family home, specifically a dreary looking child’s bedroom, within which the two youngsters more or less collapsed while Kamek landed and tried to regain her strength with more dignity. While war raged outside of the room, inside of it the trio were more or less safe, at least initially. The snipers on the roof kept their building clear of gasbags, while the whirling lashes of its strange fingers were not designed to break through the concrete of their domicile based hiding spot (though they did lash Kamek’s remaining doppelgangers, who had been rendered sluggish due to Kamek’s lack of mana reserves, out of existence). The golden wraiths however, were a whole other story, as one of them swooped down in a wide arch and then plunged right in through the window of the room and grabbed Kamek, which caused a whole lot of screaming. As the mage struggled Rika drove her bayonet into the wraith and held down the trigger, hammering bullets into it (and forcing Kamek to cover her ears) until her rifle started clicking empty. Then she just started punching it while Mimi clawed at it until Kamek managed to get her want and pump a spell bolt into it, causing the golden wraith to stumble backwards and release her. A final wide swing from jr’s brush batted it back causing it to tip out of the window and into the muck below, into which it sank. The troop were left panting, or in Jr’s case coughing as he tried to pant, from just that exertion. [color=SpringGreen]”How is this not over yet”[/color] the prince complained, supporting himself on his brush in a mirror of Kamek who was doing the same with her broom. It was Rika then, who first saw what looked initially like their demise. The fact that the person at the center of the quintuplet of specters who had arisen from the muck was the abyssal sun princess herself certainly made it look like this was the end. Rika started back in alarm and raised her rifle at the sight of the arch abyssal, only for it to click uselessly once again, still entirely spent. The princess shook her head and then raised a skeletal hand towards her along which, of all things, a trio of [url=https://i.imgur.com/RLBHCLi.png]pixi sized repair crew women[/url] ran and then jumped onto the windowsill. The three of them looked up at the agog ship girl, hands on their hips, and then all gave the sign of engineers looking at a machine that had really gone through the wringer and was going to be one hell of pain to fix up. Which was, when you got down to it, an entirely accurate assessment of Rika. Then they all had to duck as a specter of the Delsin tossed a [url=https://i.imgur.com/YLGiclj.png]red crate[/url] over their heads to Kamek, while Mikuma, the Pacific princess and B’giotahmo the white mage, all of whom’s spirits where confusingly inside members of the troop at that very moment, tossed Jr an oversized [url=https://i.imgur.com/RIeuJbV.png]drumstick[/url], Rika a bag of bright yellow ichor laced bullets and Mimi a little [url=https://i.imgur.com/n6mvda5.png]red berry[/url] respectively before they all turned away, giving at most a parting wave over the shoulder, and leaving the Troop very very confused. If it weren't for the items they had left behind, the entire event might well have been a fever dream. Considering the trio of little chibi humans standing on the windowsill still, it might well still be. Then one of them pointed impatiently at the ship girl and gestured for her to sit down and at that point they more or less just had to deal with the situation rather than standing around staring in shock. [color=SpringGreen]”Well… can’t say no to free food I guess?”[/color] Jr said as Rika numbly did as she was told and took a seat on the bed. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”I’m not sure if that is such a good-”[/color] Kamek began to say, but by that point it was far to late, as Jr was already ravenously chowing down on the king sized drumstick, the berry had vanished underneath Mimi’s disguise while no one was looking and Rika was in the mist of having the little ladies run around giving her a rapid fire fix up (as well as painstakingly loading the new bullets into her rifle). The mage sighed, shrugged, and then cracked open the crate she had received, which revealed it contain [url=https://i.imgur.com/BUGNFXd.png]a wand tipped with a crimson jewel surrounded by a brass crown[/url], 6 [url=https://imgur.com/a/bozMg9o]blue potions[/url], a couple of gold coins and, for no good reason 15 ingots of iron. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”How odd”[/color] she said as she picked up one of the potions and gave it a sniff. It smelled like mushrooms and magic. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Well then. Bottoms up I suppose”[/color] she said, and then drank down its blue contents, feeling her Mana reserves swelling with each gulp of the potion. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”By the stars, that was effective”[/color] she gasped, before tuning and asking others [color=DeepSkyBlue]”how are you all?”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”My mouth’s on fire from spice but sooooo much better”[/color] Jr reported, (and he certainly looked it, his shell healed and his had been spirit energized back to his boisterous self by the memory of when he’d tried his dad’s own spicy fare one dinnertime and found it similarly too hot to handle) which Mimi echoed with a “kyu”, her reserves of pp all stocked up by the berry. Rika meanwhile stood up, carefully flexed an ankle, and then reported that “I think I’m all fixed up,” before turning and bowing to the little repair crew and telling them “thank you.” The team gave her a mix of thumbs up and salutes before vanishing in a puff of smoke, leaving the team alone in their bemusement. “Well... That was weird?” she said as she leaned back upright, pointing out the obvious. [color=SpringGreen]”Who cares, let's just go teach that big jerk a lesson he’ll never forget!”[/color] Jr declared, which got an all around agreement from the rest of the gang. A few moment’s later a roof access hatch to the building they had been in was thrown open, and the troop piled on out of it to rejoin the fighting. Jr and Mimi immediately set to work, the prince hucking homing fireballs from his spicy mouth at the floating balloons, while Mimi took advantage of her electroballs ability to inflict more damage the faster she was than her opponent (and the titan was nothing if not slow) by sending fastball after fastball buzzing towards its big old eye. While Rika put her hefty supply of ichor infused bullets to work trying to crystallize and disable one of the titan’s hands, Kamek grasped her new wand, waving it to summon a quadrant of clones holding the same wand, and then declaring [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Now then’ let's see what you can do”[/color] before doing just that. She and her clone pointed their wands up at the titan, pulsed power through the implement and sent five little balls of cloud sailing forth. She wasn't impressed at first with the fluffy projectiles, but then the clouds came to a halt above the titan and expanded, [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/terraria_gamepedia/images/6/63/Crimson_Rod_(demo).gif]forming a little bundle of storm clouds above it[/url], down from which a stinging crimson rain pelted onto/into the ring of hands that where where its head should be.