[center][img]https://i.gifer.com/2r5w.gif[/img] Level 7: 53/70 Location: Carcass Isle- Kosm's Beach Word Count: 575 Points Gained: 4 New EXP Balance--- Level 7: 57/70 [/center] Skidding to a stop, Sakura turned and watched the headless creature fall, burst, and die. She had crushed right through. With the help of her friends, the thing was practically on deaths door, and she had shoved it over the threshold. She felt...strange. Hollow about it. The thrill of victory hadn't reached her heart. They'd lost people. Some permanently. But was that really it? Surely, their deaths weren't for nothing? Sakura skidded back over to the beach and sat down on it, holding her face in her hands and listening to Peach's speech. [color=f49ac2]"Is it really over?"[/color] She asked quietly. She dropped her hands and stared at the grainy sand below. [color=f49ac2]"Doesn't feel like it's over."[/color] As mentions of the missing spirit was brought up, Sakura began to really suspect they were missing something. And they were. Because now a hand-faced, chest-eyed, black tar giant showed up and flooded the entire beach with ooey gooey. [color=f49ac2]"Whaaa-?"[/color] Was all Sakura could say, utterly baffled. Instinctively at this point, she went to activate her harness. It pushed her up slightly but her sneakers were still caught in the muck. [color=f49ac2]"Huh? No way!"[/color] She cried out. Still, Sakura was no sloud when it came to wading, and she just pulled and struggled until she reached higher, solid ground.[color=f49ac2] "Gueehhh...yuck!" [/color]She said, the liquid absolutely drenching her socks and sneakers. She looked back up at the mammoth creature, awe struck once again into inaction. It felt like sizing up to fight a skyscraper. And worst of all, it had minions. Flying jelly fish. Nadia and Link pulled some insane stunt that bounced right off. [color=f49ac2] "What IS that thing?! What are we going to do?!"[/color] She shouted on her little island. [color=f49ac2]"Hadoken!"[/color] Using her special anti-air fireballs, she blasted at one of the jelly fish. Both the fireball and the jellyfish exploded. And the creature did Sakura the favor of detonating all of the other jellyfish around it as well. [color=f49ac2]"That's something."[/color] She said. They were settling all over the field. Worst than that were the hovering golden humanoids that were making their way towards the Seekers with malicious intent. Sakura's lips tightened and she levelled a cannon at the enemy. Click. [color=f49ac2][i]"Ehhh?!"[/i][/color] Sakura wailed, staring at her gun in disbelief.[color=f49ac2] "Out of ammo! That's possible?!"[/color] Just past the eyeline of her gun, a figure emerged from the tar. A familiar shape. It was a lady from the Azure Navy! Baffled, Sakura turned around to see what the others thought, only to see several of them getting similar visitors. Geralt, Nadia, and the others. Thinking of the Azure navy, her eyes briefly fell on Bella. She whirled back around to the ghost. [i]"A-arashio-san?!"[/i] The spectre underhand tossed a cartoonish looking ammo box her way. Sakura reached out to catch it, but when she did it vanished, and she felt her cannons become heavier with ammo. [color=f49ac2]"I- I don't know- I'm sorry-"[/color] Sakura began. Arashio swept a hand towards the oncoming missiles as if to refocus Sakura's attention on the incoming projectiles. Then she began to sink back into the tar, back to wherever it was she was now. [i]"Arigato!"[/i] Sakura called out. Not just for the ammo. Then she turned and pulverized a golden specter out of the air only a few meters away. The shards showered her as she turned and focused fire on the other golden humanoid projectiles. Protecting her teammates with these cannons that she borrowed for one last fight.