[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211121/b95fffd2da3c0475ff2a5e11917dcf4b.png[/img] [Color=#67a4e0]Level:[/color] 2 [Color=#e607f8]Experience:[/color] 3/20 [Color=#e607f8]Currently In:[/color] Snowdin Outskirts, Outside of Treat's House >> Back in Snowdin [Color=#67a4e0]Word Count:[/color] 665 (+1 Exp) [i][color=skyblue]Albedo[/color] [@Lugubrious], [color=forestgreen]Linkle[/color] [@Gentlemanvaultboy], [color=b34141]Papyrus[/color] [@Dark Cloud][/i] With the Dollmaker's defeat, there was no further reason for Frisk to keep their shield up. Their soul flickered back to it's normal red, and the heart-shapped object went back into their body. Between Papyrus's dismay over their brutal methods, and Linkle's questions, the child could only frown in silence. It felt a bit overwhelming, and they were tempted to just say that they'd explain later like they kept doing durning this little event. Even if they wanted to speak, they just...couldn't. There was nothing else to do but leave anyways. The child gently tugged the skeletal sentry's glove, leading out of the basement and back to Treat. They quietly listened to the other three talk, idly looking off to the waterfall until Linkle asked Papyrus to help the wolfgirl move out. Frisk glanced up to him, awaiting an answer like the others, but was only met with an even awkwarder silence than what they usually have. It wasn't that Frisk was traumatized, rather the ordeal made them felt uneasy. Being more pacifistic in nature, any encounters where the only options were fight or flight never sat well with them. But they were human, they knew better than to let their guard down. But Papyrus? They felt he was reasonable in his dismay. They really do owe him an explanation, don't they? Once Albedo and Linkle prepared to finally take Treat to a medic, the two undoubtedly followed, ever willing to leave such a dismal place behind. The group had arrived at a small house. Answering the door, a white tiger that despite his grace, Frisk held back the urge to pet. Something about fluffy animals they liked. They were led inside to the second fireplace they've rested at in the same day (Third? Eh, whatever.) and once they've sat down, Frisk took off their cap and let it rest on their lap. [color=67a4e0]"Cocoa sounds nice."[/color] They requested, looking back to Dromarch with a polite smile. They felt a bit better now. That being said... [color=67a4e0]"Now seems to be a good time to explain."[/color] They looked back to Papyrus, trying to think of the right words to start with. The child thought back to when they first fell. To the deception of an otherwise unassuming flower, his words. Man, if Flowey was nearby, he'd be laughing his petals off at their situation. It really was kill or be killed now. [color=67a4e0]"Wherever we've ended up, it's not like the Underground. Or our world in general, actually. People, monsters out here, they're not like you guys. Alot of them don't listen to reason, or the whims of a kid who doesn't like fighting. Heck, some only run on the primal instinct [i]to[/i] kill. It's only by dumb luck I survived long enough to make it back to Snowdin, town being changed or not. You can't really do much with just a stick."[/color] Frisk chuckled, before continuing. [color=67a4e0]"But we can't let it drive us down. You've seen it yourself, there's still good people around. It's just...harder to find, y'know? Need to know where to look."[/color] The rules of the game had changed, they thought. After a pause, they sighed. [color=67a4e0]"I'm sorry, Paps. I didn't mean to get you dragged into that mess."[/color] Frisk pinched the bridge of their nose. [color=67a4e0]"But it was either put the...er...guy...out of his misery, or let it continue tormenting innocent people. [i]Or[/i] run the risk of it escaping into town and doing more worse things. We can only hope the next one isn't as bad."[/color] They tried not to come off as harsh in their words, patting the skeleton's back in reassurance. Although, something did cross their mind. Something they were curious about. While Frisk and Papyrus were able to use magic themselves, the former had never seen anything like what Albedo or Linkle wielded. The child turned their attention to the two, brows raised. [color=67a4e0]"I [i]am[/i] a bit curious about your magic though. Mind telling me about it?"[/color] They asked with a grin.