[indent]1648-8-24 Lord Alarick Croan Rosenthal Manor 1200 Rosenthal Street Croan Dear Alarick, We write to ask for your prompt support for the people of House Dalris preceding the inevitable threat of Northern assault upon our lands. Our spies have confirmed that Arthur Kothlin, Reina Young, and Melodia Lapseus have issued official declarations of war and are beginning preparations for marching. Furthermore, it is almost certain they will march on House Dalris first. Cassandra has declared a state of emergency for the counties of Neril, Turing, Winston, Marches, and Cleris. We’re beginning evacuation procedures to the territories of House Aureolin and Immolis. House Dalris’s current standing force is in no way prepared to deal with an onslaught from Kothlin’s forces. Our spies report that he has over five times the amount of trained men and women at the ready, with another several thousand on the way. We understand that, as always, you have your own House to manage and lead. However, please consider sending either reinforcements or evacuation assistance as soon as you can. Sincerely, Alfonse Dalris & Cassandra Dalris[/indent] [hr] [indent]Dear Alarick, Alfonse has never been the best at conveying his feelings. Please, consider this request not only from a house lord, but from a friend. We need your help. With love, Cassandra. [/indent]