[h3]Rosalie Zadoorian - Primora[/h3] Location: South Bronx, NYC Interactions: Issac [@FunnyGuy] _____________________________________ Rosalie watched Isaac as he turned his gaze from Colby to her then seemed to space out for a moment. She was already unsure about the man and him spacing out just made her more unsure about him. Her eyebrows knitted together as she saw him come back and look at her once again, her words finally seeming to register with him. She knew that her words made her come off as a softy but she didn’t really care. Yes, he tried to kill her but that didn’t mean she had to turn around and kill him, she was better than that. Plus, she had managed to trap him where he couldn’t do any more harm to her. All she would have to do was either leave him and risk him telling others, which she knew he would, or shock his brain until he forgot everything. Though that’s when this guy showed up and stepped into the situation. She watched him as he walked over to the gun that lay on the ground and picked it up, then weighed it in his hand. The way he held the gun after weighing it spoke volumes on what he was about to do next. She looked to Colby who was struggling to get free of the ground and muttering curses to himself, then looked back to Isaac when he spoke, his words caused her to raise an eyebrow. It was as if he thought she’d never seen such a thing happen to anyone or he was trying to save her from seeing it. Either way, she didn’t avert her gaze as he walked up to Colby and spoke to him. Rose saw Colby open his mouth to shoot back a retort to Isaac but didn’t get a chance as the butt of the gun collided with his head. The action caused her to flinch slightly and then again at the second blow Isaac gave Colby. She watched and listened to the interaction going on between the two and shook her head lightly while Isaac’s back was still turned to her. She could have easily done the same thing without causing so much trauma, except for possibly making Colby a vegetable. She was pulled from her thoughts when Isaac tucked away the gun and turned to face her, the first thing she noticed was how cold his eyes were and how they held no regret in his actions. At his words, she raised an eyebrow as she looked at him, the look on her face saying “Really?” as she looked at him. “You don’t say? I could have gotten the same results without bashing his head in.” she said, seeming unfazed by everything. If she could have crossed her arms over her chest at that moment she would have. She shifted her weight to one foot watching Colby’s head bob as if it were on the body of one of those dashboard dogs. She barely caught Isaac’s next words while watching Colby fall unconscious. She then sighed heavily through her nose. “And what makes you think that?” she asked flatly as she walked over to Colby. Kneeling next to his unconscious form, she placed her hand on the ground and began to manipulate it, the ground once again became a sand-like consistency. Colby’s body was pushed to the surface before hardening once again underneath him. Rose then took to her feet once again and faced Isaac. She opened her mouth to say something else but quickly shut it as she heard something large coming their way in the distance. Her head whipped to the opposite end of the alley as she listened as the sound came close and closer to the alley. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” she muttered as she recognized what the sounds were coming from. It was a Sentinel and it was one of the last things she wanted to deal with, especially now after this whole thing. She cut her eyes over at Isaac as she swallowed hard, hearing the Sentinel getting even closer to their location. “Looks like we're about to have some unwanted company. I hope you’re quick on your feet.” she told him. She glanced at Colby then looked down the alley and prepared herself to fight or to escape knowing that Sentinels went after non-humans and not humans. She had hoped that she would never have to come face to face with one of these things but she also knew that being Inhuman it wouldn’t detect her as a threat unless she used her powers. Though she did wonder how things would go with this new guy who just randomly showed up and decided to help her out. For a split second, Evelyn and Robert came to mind and how she was going to explain what happened to her if and when she got back to the shop. Rosalie took this opportunity to quickly check the bullet wound on her shoulder by pulling her jacket back, removing the bandana, and placing it in a pocket, then she pulled her shirt away from the wound, it appeared the bullet went clean through. This was good news for her. Without a second thought, she summoned a small flame to her fingertips and cauterized the wound right then and there, a hiss and growl escaping her as she did. Pulling a clean bandana from an inside pocket of her jacket, she wrapped it around the wound the best she could, then turned back to the end of the alley just as a Sentinel rounded the corner and quickly spotted them and stopped in its tracks, it was obviously scanning them or something along those lines. It took a few minutes but she soon realized that it seemed to be focused on Colby rather than her and Isaac, this struck her as odd. Was it planning an attack on Colby who was a human? Surely not. They weren’t programmed to harm humans.