[center][h1][color=#ffd700][b]Tristan Glory[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/nh9MN9w8/Gokudera-cropped.jpg [/img][/center] [center][hider=Inventory][h3][u][b]Inventory[/b][/u][/h3] Pokedollars-3000 Pokeballs-4 potions-1 Camping gear Old and tattered pokemon textbook (gifted by nurse Joy) Emergency care kit(one multi-bristled brush, comb, tweezers, clippers, skin cream, compact mirror)[/hider][/center] [center][hider=On-Hand][u][b][/b][/u] [hider=King][b]King[/b] [img]https://projectpokemon.org/images/shiny-sprite/murkrow-f.gif [/img] species-Bird Type-Flying/Dark level-5 Ability- Super luck (The chance of a bearer's move being a critical hit is increased by 1 stage.) Moveset- -Peck -Astonish -Pursuit -Feather dance[/hider] [hider=Princess] [b]Princess[/b] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/2/26/Spr_5b_447.png [/img] Species- Emanation Pokemon Gender- Female Type- Fighting Level- 4 Ability- Prankster (gives priority to status moves) Moveset: - Quick attack - Endure - Feint [/hider] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=PC][u][b][/b][/u] [/hider][/center] Tristan entered the shop while knowing he didn't have much; a far cry from what he typically had for shopping and hated his lack of funds. It was cause of this that he came here to get some pokeballs seeing how he only had four left which would make catching new pokemon risky and difficult. How he even caught the Riolu with only one still left him shocked or at least would be if his mind wasn't filled with thoughts on that horrid battle which left an acrid taste on his tongue. His mood foul and plenty done with this town and so didn't waste time perusing the shops wares as he might normally have done and went straight to the counter though unlike him King was curiously looking around; hopefully nothing overtly shiny in sight as murkrows tended to be unable to help themselves around shiny things."[color=#ffd700] Hey...I'll take ten pokeballs please.[/color]" His reply short and simple, the sooner they could get out of here the better, but then stop to consider how long till his next visit to a town and figured it best to get some info even if a little having already hurt himself plenty as is for the day." [color=#ffd700]And if can tell me about any certain or special intel that would be appreciated.[/color]" He asked the clerk, struggling to hide the annoyance in his tone though it wasn't that the clerk annoyed him and just his bad mood almost spilling into what he said hence why he kept his talking to a minimum lest he said something he shouldn't. He waited to get his pokeballs to which he muttered his thanks and would remain to hear what the clerk could tell him, if they had no information to give then he would exit the shop without another word. A good thing too for King was getting antsy atop his shoulder due to the few glittery things it could see and he with no money to afford any such damages.