[@Rune_Alchemist][@AzureKnight][@Restalaan] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ge1Oef2.png[/img][/center] [color=fff200]"There. Now, at least, they can't say that I didn't hel--"[/color] said Tomi, looking around herself to the destruction she wrought. As her eyes came up though, the words stopped just as suddenly as the human had appear in front of her; Shizuka. Twice now this [i][b]man[/b][/i] managed to pull his stealth act on her and it slowly was becoming old. Her expression went from proud to annoyed to incredulity as this man had the audacity to reprimand her - as he was standing amid the scorching remains of her achievements! [color=fff200]"Excuse me?"[/color] she said, but he already had gone. Her fists closed as she looked around, seemingly searching for something to either hit or pass her momentary frustration on...but there was nothing. With a grown of discontentment, the Dragon managed to compose herself to the point where the anger seemingly left her...with a sigh. A deep sigh. [color=fff200]"Aww...man. How is a Mamono supposed to even please a man like that, what a grouch."[/color] she pouted, crossing her arms. Spotting her teammates some distance from her, she kicked a rock - which promptly killed a soldier outright - and made her way to them. The Shoggoth maid would soon see a pair of soldier charging in her direction, despite obviously standing little chance. It would matter not, as burst of flame would promptly engulf them before they reached her, a Tomi lazily walking over. [color=fff200]"Hey..."[/color] she launched in their direction. [color=fff200]"That Shizuka person told me to stick with you. I think I blew it..."[/color] she added, obviously looking like she could use a cheer up. Tomi didn't seem the least concerned about the battle around them, a feeling she was certain the other Monsters shared. After all, how dangerous could a bunch of humans be?