[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CzVdJzK.jpg[/img] [h2][color=ed1c24]Robert Reese[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [b]"Play nice okay hun?" [/b] [color=ed1c24]"Yeah, whatever mom. I still don't get it tho, why should I go to school? I mean i'm doing fine on learning stuff on my own. I doubt I'll learn anything new here."[/color] Robert pouted. The young artificer speaks simply not out of arrogance. He's a bit disappointed on why he has to trouble himself learning the basics again. Seems like a waste of time. Based on the given powers of hyperintellect he possesses and the ability to create advanced tech and such, He feels like he should be at college level at this point and not some kid attending grade school. [b]"I suppose..but do remember that knowledge isn't everything, son. I choose this school for a reason."[/b] Ms. Reese sighed. [b]"I know you may not like it.. but at least do it for me? ~Pleasee" [/b]His mother smiles beamingly at him. so much so that Robert becomes flustered. [color=ed1c24]"Tch.. fine.."[/color] Robert reluctantly said with a bit of annoyance in his voice. He stepped out of the car and went straight at the sea of students and numerous people alike. Robert was surprised the academy is a lot bigger inside. He went to the pavilion to get some idea of what extracurricular activities this school has to offer. But so far non interest him. The delinquent can feel the glancing looks behind his shoulders, whisper and judging stares of humans and non-human creatures alike. With all of the piercing, tats, and that resting intimidating look Robert has, it's no surprise some people are trying to avoid him. Not that it matters to him. Robert is used to his infamy by now. Robert continues his solo tour of the academy, finding himself in the halls where out of nowhere a small fire breaks out at the science lab. Smoke raises from the door as people inside started to exit. Without a second thought, He rushes in and extends his hand. With a flick of his fingers, The artificer bends every technology equipment in the room to his own will, salvaging what needs to be saved and overriding the school's fire sprinkler system, putting it into overdrive, dousing the flames even faster. Surely, this little display of minor hacking of the school system would get the security's attention. The smoke clears and fire is put out. The science lab was mostly singed but still intact. [color=ed1c24]"Yo, What's the deal? you nerds making some indoor explosives?--- sounds fun..."[/color] Robert said with a mischievous smile. [b]"Well not exactly, one of our first years had a little mishap on his tinkering, causing it to malfunction and caught fire." [/b]One of the students said with a downcast expression. [b]"Say, that's a neat trick you got there.. I haven't seen you around these parts, have you ever tried joining a club? We would love if you join ours.. -- or at least help us clean up, if that's too much to ask. Hate to see the science club looking like a mess before the school year starts."[/b] Another student steps in and asked. [color=ed1c24][color=ed1c24]"Eh, sure.. why not.."[/color][/color] Robert simply shrugs. He got nothing better to do on this first day, The young artificer decided might as well hang around here and burn some time.