[color=MediumVioletRed][center][h1]Dullin[/h1][/center][/color] The out burst was expected, at the very least she was glad this captain of the guard wasn't a corrupt one. Where Dullin in her shoes, she wondered if she would do any different. A lot of people where relying on this woman's sacrificial death it seemed. Despite the captain's temper Dullin remained unfazed. She was used to the people of Icewind Dale treating her this way, and it far from the first time someone told her not to know her place, she never listened though. [color=MediumVioletRed]"Does it have to be the woman? We're after a hag, could we sacrifice them instead?"[/color] Dullin asked in a hushed tone, looking to the crowd with growing concern. A captain of the guard was one thing, but a mob was not in her itinerary.