[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/brausepulver-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211126/aace1e560f997c5e9315e2012670d064.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=1A9D60][i]"Well, looks like this Dragon Rider Squad thing is a go then!"[/i][/color][/center] [@ShiningSector][@DracoLunaris][@King Cosmos] [hr] [color=1A9D60]"Really?"[/color] Almira responded to Garrett's reply. She was kinda sure that she didn't request any type of escort. But, summoning Bonnie, and then hearing her clarification. The Captain quickly relented. [color=1A9D60]"Ah, oh well, sorry for being a bit rude. I didn't expect that Bonnie were to request an escort for me."[/color] She didn't have much time to look into the finer details of how her subordinates interpret her orders. But decided to go with the group consensus and brought Garrett and the rest. Fortunately Galmira responded with a shrug, and when pressed, she said that the weight on her back is 'not a problem', so that's good. Just one little thing though. [color=1A9D60]"Sumiye. While you're fixing the ship and all that, can you inform me on that little Chang'e project thing and the feasibility of it? This would has particular properties that might potentially make such an effort possible, and I want your input on what's required in order to float the ship again. Hopefully we can use this world's uhh, magic for our uses."[/color] [color=1A9D60]"Alright then. Galmira, I trust your instincts. So don't be going all wild and everything with us in your back."[/color] Galmira didn't so much as responded. She just took off, the sudden force exerted forced Almira's hand to grip tightly into whatever she can grip on her backside. Just some spiny scales by the looks of it, very very flimsy, but strong enough that her genetically enhanced hand kept her in place. She looked at her back and the rest of her crew were not looking all that much better. Practically everyone was hanging on for dear life as the Dragon made it's way into the area of the commotion. [color=1A9D60][i]Alright, I need to design some sort of saddle if I want to ride a dragon again. This is crazy![/i][/color] [hr] [center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5312701][img]https://i.imgur.com/4grpYJC.png[/img][/url][/center] [h3]--Continuing towards the Table--[/h3] [@13org][@Shirly Swad][@Medili][@Martian] If there's one particular adventurer that she knows who to rely on. It will always be the Princess of Oberia, Khaltesh Anki. Her wounds are healed to such an extent that she can walk again. And her body's strength has also been somewhat restored, not enough to perhaps wound/ kill another dragon perhaps. But if some Kobolds are in their way, then she should be able to make short work of them with some effort from her part. Not particularly useful in some aspects, but she's not totally useless either. [color=50c8ff][b]"Thanks Anki. I think I should say I owe you one, but remembering our last adventure, does that mean I owe you three times now?"[/b][/color] She asked, semi-joking of course. But Anki is... very useful as an adventurer whenever she's around, she remembers the various monsters they slayed together in past adventures. And the many times she would've died had not Anki intervened on her behalf. She just picked up Fei's limp body. Looking more knocked out than dead, and then was busy ordering the group to walk towards the table. [color=50c8ff][b]"Alright, so the Table should be straight ahead, and if we make it there. I say we set up a camp just near the table, and then wait it out until we hit morning. Perhaps then we can inspect the site further, determine what we're dealing with and so on."[/b][/color] Well, unfortunately. Things have started to move a bit faster than Srikandi expected, as she heard the sudden flapping of a dragon nearby. This sounded... much heavier, it's flaps carrying more weight then before, it's like comparing the flapping sounds of a hummingbird to the majestic soar of a condor when it flaps it's wings to take flight. It seems a like an older, a [i][b]much older[/b][/i] Dragon is heading their way. And Srikandi's face paled as she turned her head towards the team, her body couldn't move an inch, she tries to think her hardest on how to solve this particular problem, but... she can't see a cave opening, she can't see Anki recovering her mana supply [i]that[/i] fast, and she cannot see herself fighting a Dragon of such stature on her lonesome. She could only say one thing. [color=50c8ff][b]"I'm... I'm sorry..."[/b][/color] She said that as the Dragon landed right behind her, Galmira's head looking at the group. A very imposing, very elderly dragon looking at everyone. She could fry them all if she wanted to. But instead, she lowered her head, and allowed her 'cargo' to gently slide down instead. [hr] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/brausepulver-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211126/aace1e560f997c5e9315e2012670d064.png[/img][/url][/center] She has no idea what to say. She could only stare at the group. They looked peculiar, all of them wearing clothes more resembling some dungeon adventuring party than an actual group of people. There was a woman holding a staff. She... looks like a mage, hopefully they wouldn't attack her, the Dragon ride has been particularly short, and the rest of her team wouldn't be here at least for half an hour or so. There is also some woman holding vials and somesuch things, and also a... rogue elf? Not deciding to stall any further, Almira decided to break the ice. [color=1A9D60]"Uhh, halo. Selamat sore semuanya!(Hello, good evening everyone)"[/color] Almira greeted in Indonesian, she reasoned that, due to Galmira's unusual fluency in the language, that some of the adventurers would be able to speak as well. [color=1A9D60]"Apakah anda butuh bantuan? Kami tidak datang dengan kemauan membunuh." (Do you need help? We don't come with the intent to kill)[/color] While waiting for their response, she ordered both the Q-T Unit and Garrett's team to stand back. [color=1A9D60]"I need you all to step back for a bit. Garrett, Q-T, nonlethal pacification and [b]only[/b] nonlethal pacification is allowed should things go south"[/color] She ordered sternly towards everyone. Before turning back to the adventuring party, her face trying to be as hospitable as possible. There is a Dark Skinned woman, her head immediately turning in shock as she heard the language Almira spoke. Oh, perhaps a response from the group? [hr] [center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5312701][img]https://i.imgur.com/4grpYJC.png[/img][/url][/center] [h3]--First Contact--[/h3] Her sadnesss on her and the impending team's death were suddenly upturned, completely upturned. She immediately turned her face, her eyes still bawling out as someone spoke her language. She wore strange clothes, and even stranger companions, but the language she spoke is Pataliputran. No doubt about it. [color=50c8ff][b]"Anki..."[/b][/color] She turned towards the mage [color=50c8ff][b]"Did you... hear the same thing I did?"[/b][/color] Not waiting for a response. The Ksatria Naga clenased her face from her tears as best she can, before bowing her head towards Almira. [color=50c8ff][b]"Selamat Sore juga. Siapakah anda? Apakah anda juga Penjelajah yang sedang pergi ke Gunung Meja Besar? (Good evening to you to, who are you? Are you also adventurers going to the Great Table)"[/b][/color] She hoped that Anki and the rest knows a little bit of Pataliputran, or else she would have the dubious honor of being the translator. She also wouldn't try mentioning the Dragon at any point and time, the Dragon seems... unusually calm for some reason, and she has no intention of breaking that Status Quo at any point.