[INDENT][COLOR=SILVER][h3][b]B A N C R O F T[/b][/h3][/COLOR][/INDENT][hr] [color=darkgray][INDENT][INDENT]No sooner than the warning had left Bancroft's mouth, the older hedgehog had taken ahold of him and tossed him aside. The mouse skidded across the ground, tumbling into the nearby brush. Scrambling back onto his hind paws, Bancroft quickly regained his bearings, a forepaw moving to the blade on his belt. His ear was burning. Bancroft gingerly touched the source of the burning, his fur coming back stained with his own blood. Reaching his paw to his ear again, Bancroft felt a small nick, no doubt the source of the bleeding. Turning back towards where he had previously stood, Bancroft's eyes were drawn to the arrow occupying the space he had been standing before Ellis' timely intervention. [COLOR=WHITE]"Warn the Abbey- aye, tis a good plan, but let this be a lesson, young Bancroft, to always keep yer ken in the now."[/COLOR] The Cellarhog spoke softly, plucking the arrow from the ground. Ellis' eyes studied the shaft before shifting his back towards Bancroft, obviously taking up a guard stance while looking towards the treeline. [COLOR=WHITE]"Hold! Fair beasts we be! Shelter yourself from the skies, lest that raptor be less friendly than me!"[/COLOR] The hedgehog called out. His voice was authoritative and the volume increased though not to the point of yelling. Something Bancroft was grateful for as he cast his eyes back towards the massive black mass carving its way across the sky. [COLOR=WHITE]"Stay, stay back!"[/COLOR] The voice of a young lass came in response to Ellis' call. [COLOR=WHITE]"If you're vermin, the next arrow won't miss!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=WHITE]"You fired without even seeing what we look like?"[/COLOR] Bancroft exclaimed breaking his silence. [COLOR=WHITE]"What manner of vermin even looks akin to a hedgehog?"[/COLOR] He took a step forward to make stride with Ellis. [COLOR=WHITE]"Whomever that be in the tree, they have no interest in helping the abbey, perhaps we'd be best making haste and leaving them be,"[/COLOR] Bancroft stated, bending down to pick up his fallen staff. Overhead the raptor started to circle the abbey. Bancroft could see the shadow cast by its long hooked beak. There was no doubt in his mind that the good beasts inside were in grave danger should any wander into the courtyard. [COLOR=WHITE]"I hope Rigby and Jethro are getting everyone inside,"[/COLOR] The mouse muttered before turning back to Ellis and their unknown assailant.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/COLOR]