[u][b]Od[/b][/u] Having attempted to drive the blade in she found that the beast held a supernatural toughness, one powerful enough to resist the blade's own magic. While the ice wouldn't hold the blade still for even frost would shear at the sword's touch the unnatural density of the beast had slowed her weapon's descent into it's spine. She couldn't press the attack any further, needing to slice away the trunk that reached for her only to suddenly take a blow to the chest plate. She was sent flying, the force of the blow only chipping the metal plate as it seemed most of the force went into lifting her away. Sailing she quickly found herself slamming hard into the soft dirt below. Any ordinary person would find themself mangled by the fall, possibly suffering organ rupture from the force of the landing. Od wasn't like others however. Her body was as tough as wood, all the way through and her bones were proportionally harder than her flesh. Even her blood was thick, not prone to swishing about during wild movements. Hoisting herself up to a knee she found her right arm twisted as a strange angle, having popped out of it's socket. With teeth grit she straightened her arm, lining it up with the ground. She used the dirt to brace her arm whilst she used her body to force the bone back into place. Thanks to her natural healing it was a clean set, her body already at work rebuilding the rips and tears that may have occurred from the dislocation. At this rate she'd be back to normal before she'd get back to the keep. _ There was no time to wait however. The battle was still hot and her presence was needed even though the queen had joined the battle. Though the queen had every right to participate it stung that the enemy still drew breath by the time she had been rousted from where she had slept. The queen should be dispatching great unholy beasts alongside her loyal knights, not dueling bandits whilst her knight's combined efforts still struggle to bring low a single elder beast. It was shameful. Though her anger boiled her expression hadn't changed in the slightest. Despite the fall and the pain of her shoulder being dislocated not a single errant gasp of pain escaped her lips. On the outside she was a grim soldier, a focused scowl embossed upon her face like some grim warrior's mask. Her feet dug in and she took off in a sprint, dashing around the beast towards the hind leg on the same side as the one Reinhardt was currently grappling with. She had heard her queen's instruction and would do as thus. Since the beast was using it's hind leg to stay standing on that side she moved towards the outside of that leg so the mammoth couldn't kick back as a horse might. She gave a long slash designed to tear apart the armor, provided it didn't have more wicked tricks behind this armor as well. From there she'd aim more cuts at the beast's leg. They were conservative attacks however as she was well aware the beast may very well attempt to stomp on her. She was prepared to answer that with a maneuver of her own. If her own strength wasn't enough to pierce the beast then perhaps it's own would suffice.