[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220107/4e7501a111d1158decddfa9b9400e4fc.png[/img] [color=b34141][b]Level:[/b][/color] 1 [color=b34141][b]Experience:[/b][/color] 6/10 [color=b34141][b]Location:[/b][/color] Frozen Highlands - Snowdin[color=b34141][b]Word Count:[/b][/color] Less than 700 (+1 EXP) [color=b34141][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] [@Majoras End], [@Gentlemanvaultboy] and [@Lugubrious][/center] Up until this point Papyrus hadn't said a single word, uncharacteristically silent since what had happened in the dark basement below the Beneviento House. Up until then the goofiness and seemingly unshakable enthusiasm the skeleton had appeared to falter from the shock the whole nightmarish encounter caused. It was up until now that Papyrus had been sheltered from the harsh reality of the world. It was kill or be killed, or was there more to it than that? Surely there was more to this world than [i]that[/i] ? And [i]that[/i] at least gave Papyrus some hope, listening to Frisk's explanation also reminded the skeleton that even in this harsh new world there was a glimmer of good in everyone. [color=b34141]"I-I THINK...I UNDERSTAND."[/color] Papyrus finally spoke up, his voice while hopeful had a hint of uncertainty in his tone [color=b34141]"YOU HAVE NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE."[/color] as soon as he noticed Frisk seemed down, sighing being the tip off the skeleton's gusto returned [color=b34141]"FRET NOT FOR IF YOU [i]MUST[/i] DRAG SOMEONE INTO THIS THEN IT MUST MEAN YOU NEED HELP!"[/color] as usual the point of their explanation was lost on him but if there was one thing Papyrus understood it was when someone needs help, who better than he? The Great Papyrus himself to assist! [color=b34141]"NYEH-HEH-HEH! WORRY NO LONGER! FOR I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS AM HERE WHICH MEANS THAT EVERYONE ELSE MUST BE HERE TOO!"[/color] if anything could be said for the skeleton he certainly wasn't one to let something stop him from believing in himself and others, if he was here then so would all their friends and if this was Snowdin... [color=b34141]"GREAT GOOGLEY MOOGLEY!"[/color] the sentry suddenly exclaimed standing up from his seat in excitement [color=b34141]"I WAS SO BUSY CHASING THAT CURSED DOG WHEN I FOUND YOU, I NEARLY FORGOT WHERE WE WERE...ER WHERE WE ARE."[/color] correcting himself the skeleton sheepishly chuckled at his lack of awareness, it was silly of him to forget something so huge [color=b34141]"AFTER THIS WE MUST BOONDOGGLE NO LONGER, AFTER ALL MY HOME IS HERE IN SNOWDIN,"[/color] Papyrus was giddily shaking from his epiphany looking at Frisk then the rest of the motley bunch sitting around the room with glee on his face when his gaze fell upon Treat and a pang of guilt hit the skeleton for never saying anything to the poor girl after their endeavor [color=b34141]"AND YOU WILL HAVE THE PLEASURE OF STAYING THERE!"[/color] Papyrus told Treat with a chuckle, quickly realizing he was being presumptuous [color=b34141]"IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO OF COURSE"[/color] the sentry added gently.